Puppet Class: profile::redis::slave
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/redis/slave.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/redis/slave.pp', line 2
class profile::redis::slave(
Optional[Hash] $settings = lookup('profile::redis::slave::settings'),
Hash $instance_overrides = lookup('profile::redis::slave::instance_overrides', {'default_value' => {}}),
Stdlib::Host $master = lookup('profile::redis::slave::master'),
Boolean $aof = lookup('profile::redis::slave::aof', {'default_value' => false}),
# Figure out the redis instances running on the master from Puppetdb
$pql = "resources[certname, parameters, title] { certname = \"${master}\" and type = \"Redis::Instance\" }"
$resources = wmflib::puppetdb_query($pql)
# TODO: T228266, this is a not so temporary workaround
if $resources.empty {
# Only PCC should hit this, but at least be explicit
$password = ''
} else {
$password = $resources[0].dig('parameters', 'settings', 'requirepass').lest || { '' }
# TODO: T228266 is properly resolved, $instances will probably be 0 in
# PCC for some hosts
$instances = $resources.map |$r| { $r['title'] }
$uris = $instances.map |$instance| { "localhost:${instance}/${password}" }
$auth_settings = {
'masterauth' => $password,
'requirepass' => $password,
$slaveof = ipresolve($master, 4)
$instances.each |String $instance| {
$override = $instance_overrides[$instance].lest || { {} }
profile::redis::instance { $instance:
settings => merge($settings, $auth_settings, $override),
slaveof => $slaveof,
aof => $aof,
# Add monitoring, using nrpe and not remote checks anymore
redis::monitoring::nrpe_instance { $instances: }
profile::prometheus::redis_exporter{ $instances:
password => $password,
ferm::service { 'redis_slave_role':
proto => 'tcp',
notrack => true,
port => $instances.map |$x| { Integer($x) },