Puppet Class: profile::wmcs::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/instance.pp
basic profile for every CloudVPS instance
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/instance.pp', line 2
class profile::wmcs::instance(
Boolean $mount_nfs = lookup('mount_nfs', {default_value => false}),
Array[Stdlib::Fqdn] $metricsinfra_prometheus_nodes = lookup('metricsinfra_prometheus_nodes', {default_value => []}),
) {
# a VM without isc-dhcp-client can be considered broken
# cloud-init is installed on base cloud images, but
# ensuring it here may prevent it from being accidentally
# removed, e.g. as part of a weird dependency behavior
# in T361749
if ! defined(Class['Sudo']) {
class { 'sudo': }
sudo::group { 'ops':
privileges => ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'],
file { '/etc/sudoers.d/T205463-disable-sudo-password-prompts':
ensure => 'present',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0440',
content => "Defaults passwd_tries=0,lecture=\"never\"\n",
validate_cmd => '/usr/sbin/visudo -cqf %',
require => Class['sudo'],
class { 'profile::ldap::client::labs': }
# TODO: remove after a full puppet cycle
file { [ '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/messages', ]:
mode => '0640',
file { '/etc/wmcs-instancename':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => "${::hostname}\n",
file { '/etc/wmcs-project':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => "${::wmcs_project}\n",
if debian::codename::le('bullseye') {
file { '/etc/wmflabs-project':
ensure => link,
target => '/etc/wmcs-project',
file { '/etc/wmflabs-instancename':
ensure => link,
target => '/etc/wmcs-instancename',
# wmflabs_imageversion is provided by labs_vmbuilder/files/postinst.copy
# because this is a pre-installed file, migrating is nontrivial, so we keep
# the original file name.
file { '/etc/wmcs-imageversion':
ensure => link,
target => '/etc/wmflabs_imageversion',
file { '/etc/mailname':
ensure => present,
content => "${::fqdn}\n",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
package { 'puppet-lint':
ensure => present,
# We are using nfsv4, which doesn't require rpcbind on clients. T241710
# However, removing the package removes nfs-common.
if $facts['nfscommon_version'] {
service { 'rpcbind':
ensure => 'stopped',
exec { 'systemctl mask rpcbind.service':
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
creates => '/etc/systemd/system/rpcbind.service',
# Allows per-host placement of NFS mounts, defaults to false
if $mount_nfs {
require profile::wmcs::nfsclient
# In production, we try to be punctilious about having Puppet manage
# system state, and thus it's reasonable to purge Apache site configs
# that have not been declared via Puppet. But on Labs we want to allow
# users to manage configuration files locally if they so choose,
# without having Puppet clobber them. So provision a
# /etc/apache2/sites-local directory for Apache to recurse into during
# initialization, but do not manage its contents.
exec { 'enable_sites_local':
command => '/bin/mkdir -m0755 /etc/apache2/sites-local && \
/usr/bin/touch /etc/apache2/sites-local/dummy.conf && \
/bin/echo "Include sites-local/*" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf',
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -e /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -a ! -d /etc/apache2/sites-local',
class { 'prometheus::node_ssh_open_sessions': }
# TODO: move this so it doesn't need a lint:ignore for a lookup in the middle of a class
lookup('classes', {default_value => []}).include() # lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
# Signal to rc.local that this VM is up and we don't need to run the firstboot
# script anymore
file { '/root/firstboot_done':
ensure => present,
content => '',
# Update /etc/hosts using the new cloud-init template.
# Note that cloud-init will only update the file if
# manage_etc_hosts = True in the initial cloud setup
# of the VM. That means that legacy VMs (from before
# widespread adoption of cloud-init) will not
# be affected by this.
# We might also be on a system that doesn't have cloud-init
# at all, which is just fine.
exec { 'cloud-init refresh /etc/hosts':
command => '/usr/bin/cloud-init single -n cc_update_etc_hosts',
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -f /usr/bin/cloud-init',
refreshonly => true,
file { ['/etc/cloud', '/etc/cloud/templates']:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/cloud/templates/hosts.debian.tmpl':
ensure => present,
content => template('profile/wmcs/instance/hosts.debian.tmpl.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
require => File['/etc/cloud', '/etc/cloud/templates'],
notify => Exec['cloud-init refresh /etc/hosts'],
mode => '0644',
# sudo rules added by cloud-init for the 'debian' user, not needed in our setup
file { [ '/etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users', '/etc/sudoers.d/debian-cloud-init' ]:
ensure => absent,
# this seems to be installed by default but doesn't do much on a VM.
# T287309
package { 'smartmontools':
ensure => absent,
notify => Exec['reset-failed for smartmontools'],
exec { 'reset-failed for smartmontools':
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
command => 'systemctl reset-failed smartd.service',
refreshonly => true,
class {'::cinderutils': }
if !empty($metricsinfra_prometheus_nodes) {
ferm::rule { 'metricsinfra-prometheus-all':
rule => "saddr @resolve((${metricsinfra_prometheus_nodes.join(' ')})) ACCEPT;"