Puppet Class: profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/metricsinfra/prometheus_manager.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/metricsinfra/prometheus_manager.pp', line 2
class profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager (
String $db_hostname = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_hostname', {default_value => 'wu5emp5wblz.svc.trove.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud'}),
String $db_database = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_database', {default_value => 'prometheusconfig'}),
String $db_user_username = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_user_username', {default_value => 'configuser'}),
String $db_user_password = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_user_password'),
String $db_admin_username = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_admin_username', {default_value => 'configadmin'}),
String $db_admin_password = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::db_admin_password'),
Array[String[1]] $sync_exclude_projects = lookup('profile::wmcs::metricsinfra::prometheus_manager::sync_exclude_projects', {default_value => []}),
) {
$gitdir = '/var/lib/git'
$clone_dir = "${gitdir}/cloud/metricsinfra/prometheus-manager"
$venv_dir = "${clone_dir}/venv"
$config_dir = '/etc/prometheus-manager'
$config_file = "${config_dir}/config.yaml"
$metrics_dir = '/run/prometheus-manager-metrics'
file { $config_dir:
ensure => directory,
$config = {
'HOST' => $db_hostname,
'DATABASE' => $db_database,
'USER' => {
'USERNAME' => $db_user_username,
'PASSWORD' => $db_user_password,
'ADMIN' => {
'USERNAME' => $db_admin_username,
'PASSWORD' => $db_admin_password,
# trove tends to kill db sessions at 120s of age,
# unlike default mariadb at 300s
'pool_recycle' => 90,
'CONFIG' => '/etc/novaobserver.yaml',
'CLOUD' => 'novaobserver',
'SYNC_EXCLUDE' => $sync_exclude_projects,
file { $config_file:
ensure => file,
content => to_yaml($config),
notify => Uwsgi::App['prometheus-manager'],
# Needed for prometheus exporter to share metrics between uwsgi processes
file { $metrics_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
systemd::tmpfile { 'prometheus-manager-shared-metrics':
content => "d ${metrics_dir} 0755 www-data www-data",
# TODO: better deployment model (scap, debian, so on) - T288052
git::clone { 'cloud/metricsinfra/prometheus-manager':
ensure => latest,
directory => $clone_dir,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
notify => [
# the software uses some packages not in debian repos,
# so we need to do some ugly venv trickery (based on Quarry's manifests).
# the relevant pypi-only packages are as of writing:
# * flask-alembic
# * prometheus-flask-exporter
# * sqlalchemy-json
exec { 'prometheus-manager-venv':
user => 'www-data',
command => "/usr/bin/python3 -m venv ${venv_dir}",
creates => $venv_dir,
require => Git::Clone['cloud/metricsinfra/prometheus-manager'],
notify => Exec['prometheus-manager-venv-update-pip-wheel'],
exec { 'prometheus-manager-venv-update-pip-wheel':
user => 'www-data',
command => "${venv_dir}/bin/pip install -U pip wheel",
notify => Exec['prometheus-manager-venv-install'],
refreshonly => true,
exec { 'prometheus-manager-venv-install':
user => 'www-data',
command => "${venv_dir}/bin/pip install -e ${clone_dir}",
notify => Uwsgi::App['prometheus-manager'],
refreshonly => true,
$env = {
# fix prometheus exporter for multiple uwsgi processes/workers
# location of our config file
$env_array = $env.map |String $key, String $value| {
uwsgi::app { 'prometheus-manager':
settings => {
uwsgi => {
'plugins' => 'python3',
'socket' => '/run/uwsgi/prometheus_manager.sock',
'wsgi-file' => "${clone_dir}/wsgi.py",
'chdir' => $clone_dir,
'callable' => 'app',
'master' => true,
'processes' => 4,
'venv' => $venv_dir,
'env' => $env_array,
# again, a better tool would be nice for deployment
# automatically run database migrations after git updates
exec { 'prometheus-manager-migrate':
command => "${venv_dir}/bin/pm-migrate",
cwd => $clone_dir,
environment => $env_array,
user => 'www-data',
require => [
refreshonly => true,
nginx::site { 'prometheus-manager-web-nginx':
require => Uwsgi::App['prometheus-manager'],
content => epp('profile/wmcs/metricsinfra/configserver/prometheus-manager.nginx.epp', {}),
systemd::timer::job { 'metricsinfra-maintain-projects':
ensure => present,
description => 'Syncronize list of OpenStack projects monitored by metricsinfra',
command => "${venv_dir}/bin/pm-maintain-projects",
user => 'www-data',
# every 20 minutes, so at minute :7, :27, :47
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => '*-*-* *:7/20:00'},
environment => $env,