Puppet Class: profile::wmcs::nfsclient
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/nfsclient.pp
This relies on mount_nfs_volume.rb which whitelists hosts and mounts via yaml defined explicitly by project. That same yaml file is used on NFS servers to decide what to export.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/nfsclient.pp', line 5
class profile::wmcs::nfsclient(
# Be careful with this setting. Switching to soft mount on a high-churn mount
# may cause data corruption whenever there is a network or storage issue.
String $mode = lookup('profile::wmcs::nfsclient::mode', {'default_value' => 'hard'}),
# This is experimental and should be opt-in. /home on a busy server should be a hard mount.
String $home_mode = lookup('profile::wmcs::nfsclient::home_mode', {'default_value' => 'hard'}),
Pattern[/^4(:?\.[0-2])?$/] $nfs_version = lookup('profile::wmcs::nfsclient::nfs_version', {'default_value' => '4'}),
Array[Stdlib::Host] $dumps_servers = lookup('dumps_dist_nfs_servers'),
Stdlib::Host $dumps_active_server = lookup('dumps_dist_active_vps'),
) {
$project_hostpath = cloudnfs::mount_volume('project')
$home_hostpath = cloudnfs::mount_volume('home')
$scratch_hostpath = cloudnfs::mount_volume('scratch')
$maps_hostpath = cloudnfs::mount_volume('maps')
if $project_hostpath {
$project_host = split($project_hostpath, ':')[0]
$project_path = split($project_hostpath, ':')[1]
# TODO: Change these "secondary" mentions to "primary"
# The primary cluster is mounted as secondary for historical reasons and
# changing this would be quite disruptive so put off for a while.
labstore::nfs_mount { 'project-on-labstore-secondary':
mount_name => 'project',
options => ['rw', $mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-project',
share_path => $project_path,
server => $project_host,
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/data/project':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-project',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['project-on-labstore-secondary'],
if $home_hostpath {
$home_host = split($home_hostpath, ':')[0]
$home_path = split($home_hostpath, ':')[1]
labstore::nfs_mount { 'home-on-labstore-secondary':
mount_name => 'home',
options => ['rw', $home_mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-home',
share_path => $home_path,
server => $home_host,
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/home':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-home',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['home-on-labstore-secondary'],
if $scratch_hostpath {
$scratch_host = split($scratch_hostpath, ':')[0]
$scratch_path = split($scratch_hostpath, ':')[1]
labstore::nfs_mount { 'scratch-on-secondary':
mount_name => 'scratch',
options => ['rw', 'soft', 'timeo=300', 'retrans=3'],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/secondary-scratch',
server => $scratch_host,
share_path => $scratch_path,
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/data/scratch':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/mnt/nfs/secondary-scratch',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['scratch-on-secondary'],
if $::wmcs_project == 'toolsbeta' {
# Sets up symlinks from new tools mounts to /data/project and /home
if cloudnfs::mount_volume('toolsbeta-project') {
labstore::nfs_mount { 'toolsbeta-project-on-nfs-01':
mount_name => 'toolsbeta-project',
options => ['rw', $home_mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/nfs-01-toolsbeta-project',
server => 'toolsbeta-nfs.svc.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud',
share_path => '/srv/toolsbeta/misc/shared/toolsbeta/project/',
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/data/project':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/nfs-01-toolsbeta-project',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['toolsbeta-project-on-nfs-01'],
if cloudnfs::mount_volume('toolsbeta-home') {
labstore::nfs_mount { 'toolsbeta-home-on-nfs-01':
mount_name => 'toolsbeta-home',
options => ['rw', $mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/nfs-01-toolsbeta-home',
server => 'toolsbeta-nfs.svc.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud',
share_path => '/srv/toolsbeta/misc/shared/toolsbeta/home/',
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/home':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/nfs-01-toolsbeta-home',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['toolsbeta-home-on-nfs-01'],
if $::wmcs_project == 'maps' {
if $maps_hostpath {
$maps_host = split($maps_hostpath, ':')[0]
$maps_path = split($maps_hostpath, ':')[1]
labstore::nfs_mount { 'maps-on-secondary':
mount_name => 'maps',
options => ['rw', $home_mode], # Careful with mode on maps - /home is there
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/secondary-maps',
server => $maps_host,
share_path => $maps_path,
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/data/project':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/secondary-maps/project',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['maps-on-secondary'],
file { '/home':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/secondary-maps/home',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['maps-on-secondary'],
# Only set the $mode on tools where you really know what you are doing.
# /data/project there is the home directory for tools so it should never
# be set on the grid or most worker nodes. Only set that to soft when it is
# a special purpose instance that uses it for backup or similar.
if $::wmcs_project == 'tools' {
# Sets up symlinks from new tools mounts to /data/project and /home
if cloudnfs::mount_volume('tools-project') {
labstore::nfs_mount { 'tools-project-on-labstore-secondary':
mount_name => 'tools-project',
options => ['rw', $home_mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project',
server => 'tools-nfs.svc.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud',
share_path => '/srv/tools/project',
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/data/project':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['tools-project-on-labstore-secondary'],
if cloudnfs::mount_volume('tools-home') {
labstore::nfs_mount { 'tools-home-on-labstore-secondary':
mount_name => 'tools-home',
options => ['rw', $mode],
mount_path => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-home',
server => 'tools-nfs.svc.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud',
share_path => '/srv/tools/home',
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/home':
ensure => 'link',
force => true,
target => '/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-home',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount['tools-home-on-labstore-secondary'],
if cloudnfs::mount_volume('dumps') {
$dumps_servers.each |String $server| {
labstore::nfs_mount { $server:
mount_name => 'dumps',
options => ['ro', 'soft', 'timeo=300', 'retrans=3'],
mount_path => "/mnt/nfs/dumps-${server}",
server => $server,
nfs_version => $nfs_version,
file { '/public/dumps':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
$dumps_share_root = "/mnt/nfs/dumps-${dumps_active_server}"
$defaults = {
ensure => 'link',
require => Labstore::Nfs_mount[$dumps_active_server]
$symlinks = {
'/public/dumps/public' => {
target => "${dumps_share_root}/",
'/public/dumps/incr' => {
target => "${dumps_share_root}/other/incr",
'/public/dumps/pagecounts-all-sites' => {
target => "${dumps_share_root}/other/pagecounts-all-sites",
'/public/dumps/pagecounts-raw' => {
target => "${dumps_share_root}/other/pagecounts-raw",
'/public/dumps/pageviews' => {
target => "${dumps_share_root}/other/pageviews",
create_resources(file, $symlinks, $defaults)