Puppet Class: prometheus::sql_exporter
- Defined in:
- modules/prometheus/manifests/sql_exporter.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: prometheus::sql_exporter
This Prometheus exporter extracts various metrics from PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MSSQL databases. The metrics are configurable via a YAML file
- *job_name*
The unique name of the job e.g. some_service_metrics
- *db_connection*
The database connection string e.g. mysql://user:Password123!@tcp( A valid connection string for the given database should be fine.
- *metrics*
This is a key-value pair of the metrics to collect. The key is the description of the metric and the value is map with the columns (provided as an array) to be used as the metric and the query provided as a string e.g. metrics => {
'metric_1' => { 'name' => 'my_metric', 'columns' => ['count'], 'query' => 'select count(*) AS count where some_column=value_1', }, 'metric_2' => { 'name' => 'my_metric', 'columns' => ['count'], 'labels' => ['label_1', 'label_2'], 'query' => 'select count(*) AS count where some_column=value_2', }
- *scrape_interval*
The time between each job runs. Default to five minutes.
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# File 'modules/prometheus/manifests/sql_exporter.pp', line 36
class prometheus::sql_exporter (
String $job_name,
String $db_connection,
Hash[String, Hash[String, Variant[String, Array]]] $metrics,
String $scrape_interval = '5m',
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = 'present',
) {
$config = {
jobs => [
name => $job_name,
interval => $scrape_interval,
connections => [ $db_connection ],
queries => $metrics.map | String $name, Hash $metric | {
name => $metric['name'],
values => assert_type(Array, $metric['columns']),
labels => assert_type(Array, $metric['labels']),
query => assert_type(String, $metric['query']),
allows_zero_rows => true,
file { '/etc/prometheus-sql-exporter.yml':
ensure => $ensure,
require => Package['prometheus-sql-exporter'],
owner => 'postgres',
group => 'postgres',
mode => '0400',
content => to_yaml($config),
notify => Exec['exporter-restart'],
show_diff => false,
exec { 'exporter-restart':
command => '/usr/bin/systemctl restart prometheus-sql-exporter',
refreshonly => true,
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'prometheus-sql-exporter': }