Puppet Class: prometheus::statsd_exporter
- Defined in:
- modules/prometheus/manifests/statsd_exporter.pp
Define: prometheus::statsd_exporter
Prometheus exporter for statsd metrics.
- mappings
The mappings configuration for statsd exporter. See also github.com/prometheus/statsd_exporter#metric-mapping-and-configuration
- relay_address
The host:port address where to relay received UDP traffic.
- listen_address
The host:port address where to listen for Prometheus connections.
- arguments
Additional command line arguments for prometheus-statsd-exporter.
- timer_type
summary or histogram
- histogram_buckets
Buckets for the histogram. An array of floats. Defaults to what upstream defaults to
- prometheus_instance
This determines which prometheus instance scrapes these statsd metrics. defaults to 'ops'
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# File 'modules/prometheus/manifests/statsd_exporter.pp', line 31
class prometheus::statsd_exporter (
Enum['summary', 'histogram'] $timer_type,
Array[Variant[Integer, Float]] $histogram_buckets,
Array[Hash] $mappings = [],
String $relay_address = '',
String $listen_address = ':9112',
String $arguments = '',
Boolean $enable_scraping = true,
String $prometheus_instance = 'ops',
) {
$basedir = '/etc/prometheus'
$config = "${basedir}/statsd_exporter.conf"
$defaults = {
'timer_type' => $timer_type,
'buckets' => $histogram_buckets,
'quantiles' => [
{ 'quantile' => 0.99,
'error' => 0.001 },
{ 'quantile' => 0.95,
'error' => 0.001 },
{ 'quantile' => 0.75,
'error' => 0.001 },
{ 'quantile' => 0.50,
'error' => 0.005 },
if (!defined(File[$basedir])) {
file { $basedir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0555',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
file { $config:
content => to_yaml({'defaults' => $defaults, 'mappings' => $mappings}),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
file { '/etc/default/prometheus-statsd-exporter':
ensure => present,
mode => '0444',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => inline_template(join(['ARGS="',
'--statsd.mapping-config=<%= @config %>',
'<% if not @relay_address.empty? %>--statsd.relay-address=<%= @relay_address %><% end %>',
'--web.listen-address=<%= @listen_address %>',
'<%= @arguments %>',
'"'], ' ')),
notify => Service['prometheus-statsd-exporter'],
service { 'prometheus-statsd-exporter':
ensure => running,
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'prometheus-statsd-exporter': }