Puppet Class: role::analytics_test_cluster::coordinator
- Defined in:
- modules/role/manifests/analytics_test_cluster/coordinator.pp
Class role::analytics_test_cluster::coordinator
This role includes the Hive and Presto servers, as well as an analytics_meta MariadDB instance.
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# File 'modules/role/manifests/analytics_test_cluster/coordinator.pp', line 7
class role::analytics_test_cluster::coordinator {
include profile::analytics::cluster::gitconfig
include profile::java
include profile::analytics::cluster::client
include profile::analytics::database::meta
# SQL-like queries to data stored in HDFS
include profile::hive::metastore
include profile::hive::server
# (Faster) SQL-like queries to data stored in HDFS and elsewhere
# coordinator only runs the Presto server as a coordinator process.
# The actual workers are configured in the presto::server role.
# This node is marked as a coordinator in hiera.
include profile::presto::server
# Include a weekly cron job to run hdfs balancer.
include profile::hadoop::balancer
# kafkatee + kafkacat set up to read only a small
# subset of webrequest traffic and send it to a testing
# topic.
include profile::kafkatee::webrequest::analytics
# Various crons that launch Hadoop jobs.
include profile::analytics::refinery
include profile::analytics::refinery_git_config
# Gobblin imports data from Kafka into HDFS.
include profile::analytics::refinery::job::test::gobblin
include profile::analytics::refinery::job::test::refine
include profile::analytics::refinery::job::test::refine_sanitize
include profile::analytics::refinery::job::test::data_purge
include profile::kerberos::keytabs
include profile::base::production
include profile::firewall
include profile::kerberos::client
# Temporary rule to test JupyterHub + YarnSpawner.
# Notebook Serviers running in Yarn Hadoop Workers=
# need to be able to contact JupyterHub.
# Bug: T224658
ferm::service{ 'jupyterhub_hub':
proto => 'tcp',
port => '8081',