Puppet Class: role::statistics::explorer
- Defined in:
- modules/role/manifests/statistics/explorer.pp
Class role::statistics::explorer
Access to analytics Hadoop cluster with private data.
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# File 'modules/role/manifests/statistics/explorer.pp', line 4
class role::statistics::explorer {
system::role { 'statistics::explorer':
description => 'Statistics & Analytics cluster explorer (private data access, no local compute)'
include profile::base::production
include profile::firewall
include profile::java
include profile::statistics::explorer
include profile::statistics::explorer::ml
include profile::analytics::cluster::client
include profile::analytics::refinery
include profile::analytics::cluster::packages::common
include profile::analytics::client::limits
include profile::kerberos::client
include profile::kerberos::keytabs
include profile::presto::client
include profile::amd_gpu
include profile::statistics::dataset_mount
include profile::statistics::explorer::misc_jobs
# Deploy wikimedia/discovery/analytics repository
include profile::analytics::cluster::elasticsearch
# Run conda-analytics based jupyterhub server.
include profile::analytics::jupyterhub
# Install the airflow package but no instances are configured on these hosts
include profile::airflow