Puppet Class: statistics::wmde
- Defined in:
- modules/statistics/manifests/wmde.pp
Licence AGPL version 3 or later
Class for running WMDE releated statistics & analytics scripts.
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# File 'modules/statistics/manifests/wmde.pp', line 6
class statistics::wmde(
$user = 'analytics-wmde'
) {
# The statistics module needs to be loaded before this one
Class['statistics'] -> Class['statistics::wmde']
$statistics_working_path = $statistics::working_path
$homedir = "${statistics_working_path}/analytics-wmde"
file { $homedir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $user,
mode => '0755',
# Scripts & systemd timers that generate data for graphite
class { 'statistics::wmde::graphite':
dir => "${homedir}/graphite",
user => $user,
statsd_host => $statsd_host,
graphite_host => $graphite_host,
wmde_secrets => $wmde_secrets,
require => [User[$user], File[$homedir]],