Puppet Class: vrts::web
- Defined in:
- modules/vrts/manifests/web.pp
Install the necessary apache modules, configure SSL
Sample Usage:
include vrts::web
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# File 'modules/vrts/manifests/web.pp', line 16
class vrts::web(
String $domain_name,
# We override the default mpm_prefork to set the apache setting for
# MaxConnectionsPerChild. The chosen number is experimentally derived from
# an VRTS suggested apache configuration example along with some experiments
# Otherwise, VRTS memory leaks through the roof causing OOM to show up
# We use the declarative form of the class instead of the inclusion to
# explicitly show that we use the prefork mpm
class { '::httpd::mpm':
mpm => 'prefork',
source => 'puppet:///modules/vrts/mpm_prefork.conf',
httpd::site { $domain_name:
content => template('vrts/ticket.wikimedia.org.erb'),
rsyslog::input::file { 'vrts-apache2-error':
path => '/var/log/apache2/*error*.log',
rsyslog::input::file { 'vrts-apache2-access':
path => '/var/log/apache2/*access*.log',
systemd::override { 'apache2-auto-restart':
unit => 'apache2',
source => 'puppet:///modules/vrts/apache2_systemd_override',