Puppet Class: wikistats
- Defined in:
- modules/wikistats/manifests/init.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 wikistats - a mediawiki statistics site
This sets up a site with statistics about as many public MediaWiki installs as possible.
It runs on instance in the 'cloud VPS' project 'wikistats'.
You can control this instance via horizon.wikimedia.org if you are a member or admin of the project.
I will likely stay a labs project forever although results from it are used for some statistic tables inside Wikipedia and other WMF wikis.
If it goes down it would be missed but it will not cause any issues for production wikis. Just some outdated tables.
The matching software is in another repo: operations/debs/wikistats which you can clone from Gerrit.
git clone “gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/operations/debs/wikistats”
Despite the repo name it is not an actual deb package any longer. It gets deployed by simple git clone of PHP files and a local deployment script that is also in the repo itself.
This started out as an external project to create wiki syntax tables for pages like “List of largest wikis” on meta and several similar ones for other projects
Not to be confused with stats.wikimedia.org and wikistats2 run by the WMF Analytics team.
To report bugs use phabricator.wikimedia.org and tag a ticket with 'VPS-project-Wikistats'.
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# File 'modules/wikistats/manifests/init.pp', line 41
class wikistats (
Wmflib::Ensure $jobs_ensure,
$php_version = debian::codename() ? {
'buster' => '7.3',
'bullseye' => '7.4',
'bookworm' => '8.2',
default => fail("unsupported on ${debian::codename()}"),
group { 'wikistatsuser':
ensure => present,
name => 'wikistatsuser',
system => true,
user { 'wikistatsuser':
home => '/usr/lib/wikistats',
groups => 'wikistatsuser',
managehome => true,
system => true,
file { '/srv/wikistats':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'wikistatsuser',
group => 'wikistatsuser',
# directory used by deploy-script to store backups
file { '/usr/lib/wikistats/backup':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'wikistatsuser',
group => 'wikistatsuser',
require => User['wikistatsuser'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/wikistats':
ensure => directory,
# deployment script that copies files in place after puppet git clones to /srv/
file { '/usr/local/bin/wikistats/deploy-wikistats':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0544',
source => 'puppet:///modules/wikistats/deploy-wikistats.sh',
git::clone { 'repos/cloud/wikistats':
ensure => latest,
directory => '/srv/wikistats',
branch => 'master',
owner => 'wikistatsuser',
group => 'wikistatsuser',
source => 'gitlab',
$db_pass = fqdn_rand_string(23, 'Random9Fn0rd8Seed')
# install a db on localhost
class { 'wikistats::db':
db_pass => $db_pass,
php_version => $php_version,
# location to dump as XML files
file { '/var/www/wikistats/xml':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'wikistatsuser',
group => 'wikistatsuser',
mode => '0644',
# add /usr/local/bin/wikistats/ to PATH for all users
file { '/etc/profile.d/wikistats_path.sh':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/wikistats/wikistats_path.sh',
# symlink into PATH to make it work with sudo without editing secure_path
file { '/usr/local/bin/deploy-wikistats':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/usr/local/bin/wikistats/deploy-wikistats',
class { 'wikistats::updates':
db_pass => $db_pass,
ensure => $jobs_ensure,
php_version => $php_version,