Puppet Data Type Alias: Stdlib::Compat::Numeric

Defined in:


Emulate the is_numeric and validate_numeric functions


The regex is what's currently used in is_numeric validate_numeric also allows range checking, which cannot be mapped to the string parsing inside the function. For full backwards compatibility, you will need to keep the validate_numeric call around to catch everything. To keep your development moving forward, you can also add a deprecation warning using the Integer type:

“`class example($value) { validate_numeric($value, 10, 0) }“`

would turn into

“` class example(Stdlib::Compat::Numeric $value)

validate_numeric($value, 10, 0)
assert_type(Integer[0, 10], $value) |$expected, $actual| {
  warning("The 'value' parameter for the 'ntp' class has type ${actual, but should be $expected.")

} “`

> Note that you need to use Variant[Integer[0, 10], Float[0, 10]] if you want to match both integers and floating point numbers.

This allows you to find all places where a consumers of your code call it with unexpected values.

Alias of

Variant[Numeric, Pattern[/^-?(?:(?:[1-9]\d*)|0)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE]-?\d+)?$/], Array[Variant[Numeric, Pattern[/^-?(?:(?:[1-9]\d*)|0)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE]-?\d+)?$/]]]]

# File 'vendor_modules/stdlib/types/compat/numeric.pp', line 23