Defined Type: apt::package_from_bpo
- Defined in:
- modules/apt/manifests/package_from_bpo.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/apt/manifests/package_from_bpo.pp', line 2
define apt::package_from_bpo(
String[1] $distro,
Array[String[1]] $packages = [$title],
Integer $priority = 1001,
Boolean $ensure_packages = true,
) {
include apt
$exec_name = "exec-apt-get-update-${title}_${distro}-bpo"
# the bpo archive content drastically changes from release to release
# so make the distro a mandatory argument and be a NOOP if it mismatches
if debian::codename::eq($distro) {
if $ensure_packages {
$pkg_before = Package[$packages]
} else {
$pkg_before = undef
apt::pin { "apt_pin_${title}_${distro}-bpo":
pin => "release a=${distro}-backports",
package => join($packages, ' '),
priority => $priority,
before => $pkg_before,
notify => Exec[$exec_name],
exec { $exec_name:
command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update',
refreshonly => true,
} else {
notify { "apt::package_from_bpo[${title}] did nothing! requested '${distro}-backports' in '${debian::codename()}'": }