Defined Type: cinderutils::ensure
- Defined in:
- modules/cinderutils/manifests/ensure.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 resource: cinderutils::ensure
This resource will hunt for an attached but unmounted cinder volume,
format it (if necessary), then mount it and add an entry to /etc/fstab
so the mount persists through reboots.
For VMs that only use a single attached device this should be reliable and
deterministic. For cases that use multiple indentical new volumes it will
also be reliable although may require multiple puppet runs to fully stabilize.
Unfortunately we don't have a way to distinguish between attached volumes
other than by size. That means that if this class is used to mount volumes
that were re-attached after use on a different host, the behavior is somewhat
undefined: any volume can get mounted at any of the requested mount points.
This can be worked around by mounting the volumes by hand (using prepare_cinder_volume
in interactive mode) or by providing size hints via min_gb and max_gb if you need
to e.g. mount a small volume at /small and a big volume at /big.
mount_point => absolute path to the mount point for the volume.
The mount point will be created if it does not
already exist.
mount_options => options to mount the new volume with and set in fstab
A string containing a comma-delimited list of options,
no spaces
mount_mode => file permissions for the mount point, a string containing
the octal representation e.g. '1777'
min_gb => only mount a volume if is at least as large as min_gb
max_gb => only mount a volume if is no larger than max_gb
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# File 'modules/cinderutils/manifests/ensure.pp', line 35
define cinderutils::ensure(
Stdlib::Unixpath $mount_point = '/srv',
String $mount_options = 'discard,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=2s',
String $mount_mode = '755',
Variant[Integer, Float] $min_gb = 10,
Variant[Integer, Float] $max_gb = 1000,
if has_key($facts['mountpoints'], $mount_point) {
# account for ~3% needed for the ext4 filesystem with default options
$min_size_bytes = ($min_gb * 0.97) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
if $facts['mountpoints'][$mount_point]['size_bytes'] < $min_size_bytes {
fail("Volume at ${mount_point} is smaller than required size of ${min_gb}GB")
# find the volume info for this so we can use the uuid for mounting
$cinder_vol = $facts['block_devices'].reduce() |$memo, $volume| {
$volume['mountpoint'] == $mount_point ? {
true => $volume,
default => $memo
# The volume already exists so we just need to define the mount.
# This also happens for legacy VMs with lvm partitions.
mount { $mount_point:
ensure => mounted,
atboot => true,
device => "UUID=${cinder_vol['uuid']}",
options => $facts['mountpoints'][$mount_point]['options'].join(','),
fstype => $cinder_vol['fstype'],
} else {
$min_size_bytes = $min_gb * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
$max_size_bytes = $max_gb * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
# find the first available volume of adequate size
$cinder_vol = $facts['block_devices'].reduce(undef) |$memo, $volume| {
if (!$memo and
$volume['dev'] != 'vda' and
$volume['dev'] != 'sda' and
$volume['mountpoint'] == '' and
$volume['type'] == 'disk' and
$volume['size'] >= $min_size_bytes and
$volume['size'] <= $max_size_bytes) {
exec { "prepare_cinder_volume_${mount_point}":
command => "/usr/local/sbin/wmcs-prepare-cinder-volume --force --device ${volume['dev']} --mountpoint ${mount_point} --options ${mount_options} --mountmode ${mount_mode} --allow-unattended-format",
user => 'root',
# After running the script, the volume will become mounted and on the next run will go to the other if
# banch
$require_list = Exec["prepare_cinder_volume_${mount_point}"]
} else {
if $cinder_vol == undef {
fail("No mount at ${mount_point} and no volumes are available to mount.\n\nTo proceed, create and attach a Cinder volume of size between ${min_gb}GB (${min_size_bytes} bytes) and ${max_gb}GB (${max_size_bytes} bytes). Got devices: ${facts['block_devices']}")