Defined Type: confd::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/confd/manifests/instance.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
define confd::instance
Sets up and (optionally) starts it via a base::service_unit define.
- running
If true, the service will be ran. Default: true
- backend
The backend to use. Default: etcd
- hosts
URLs of specific backend nodes to connect to. Default: undef
- srv_dns
The domain under which to perform a SRV query to discover the backend cluster. Default: $::domain
- scheme
Protocol (“http” or “https”). Default: https
- interval
Polling interval to etcd. If undefined, a direct watch will be executed (the default)
- prefix
A global prefix with respect to which confd will do all of its operations. Default: undef
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# File 'modules/confd/manifests/instance.pp', line 25
define confd::instance (
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = present,
Boolean $running = true,
String $backend = 'etcd',
Optional[Array[Stdlib::HTTPUrl]] $hosts = undef,
Stdlib::Fqdn $srv_dns = $facts['domain'],
String $scheme = 'https',
Integer $interval = 3,
Optional[String] $prefix = undef,
) {
$label = $name ? {
'main' => 'confd',
default => sprintf('confd-%s', regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')),
$path = "/etc/${label}"
$params = { 'ensure' => $running.bool2str('running', 'stopped') }
file { $path:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0550',
file { "${path}/conf.d":
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
mode => '0550',
before => Service[$label],
file { "${path}/templates":
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
mode => '0550',
before => Service[$label],
# TODO: convert to use the systemd entry instead
base::service_unit { $label:
ensure => $ensure,
refresh => true,
systemd => systemd_template('confd'),
service_params => $params,
require => Package['confd'],
$prom_outfile = "/var/lib/prometheus/node.d/${label}_template.prom"
$prom_opts = $name ? {
'main' => '',
default => " --confd.path ${path}/conf.d --outfile ${prom_outfile}"
$prom_cli = "/usr/local/bin/confd-prometheus-metrics${prom_opts}"
systemd::timer::job { "${label}_prometheus_metrics":
ensure => present,
description => 'Export confd Prometheus metrics',
command => $prom_cli,
interval => {
'start' => 'OnCalendar',
'interval' => 'minutely',
user => 'root',
# Any change to a this instances service configuration or to a template should reload confd.
Confd::File <| instance == $name |> ~> Service[$label]