Defined Type: confluent::kafka::mirror::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/mirror/instance.pp
Define confluent::kafka::mirror::instance
Sets up a Kafka MirrorMaker instance and ensures that it is running. jmx_port, destination_brokers, and source_zookeeper_url are required parameters.
- source_brokers
Array of Kafka broker hosts in your source cluster. These brokers will be used for bootstrapping the consumer configs and metadata.
- destination_brokers
Array of Kafka brokers hosts in your destination cluster. These brokers will be used for bootstrapping the producers configs and metadata.
- jmx_port
Port on which to expose MirrorMaker JMX metrics.
- group_id
Consumer Default: kafka-mirror-$title.
- consumer_properties
Other Consumer related properties to set in this MirrorMaker instance's file. See:
- acks
Required number of acks for a produce request. Default: all (all replicas)
- compression_codec
none, gzip, or snappy. Default: snappy
- linger_ms
Batches will be produced in either every linger_ms, or every batch.size messages, whichever comes first. Default: 1000. (Default batch.size is 16384)
- producer_properties
Other Producer related properites to set in this MirrorMaker instance's file. See
- enabled
If false, kafka mirror-maker service will not be started. Default: true.
- whitelist
Java regex matching topics to mirror. Default: '.*'
- num_streams
Number of consumer threads. Default: 1
- offset_commit_interval_ms
Offset commit interval in ms. Default: 10000
- heap_opts
Heap options to pass to JVM on startup. Default: undef
- java_opts
Extra Java options. Default: undef
# Mirror the 'main' Kafka cluster
# to the 'aggregate' Kafka cluster.
confluent::kafka::mirror::instance { 'main_to_aggregate':
source_zookeeper_url => 'zk:2181/kafka/main',
destination_brokers => ['ka01:9092','ka02:9092'],
jmx_port => 9997,
# Mirror the 'secondary' Kafka cluster
# to the 'aggregate' Kafka cluster.
confluent::kafka::mirror::instance { 'secondary_to_aggregate':
source_zookeeper_url => 'zk:2181/kafka/secondary',
destination_brokers => ['ka01:9092','ka02:9092'],
jmx_port => 9996,
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# File 'modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/mirror/instance.pp', line 79
define confluent::kafka::mirror::instance(
$group_id = "kafka-mirror-${title}",
$consumer_properties = {},
# Producer Settings
$acks = 'all',
$compression_type = 'snappy',
$linger_ms = 1000,
$producer_properties = {},
$enabled = true,
$whitelist = '.*',
$num_streams = 1,
$offset_commit_interval_ms = 10000,
$heap_opts = undef,
$java_opts = undef,
$consumer_properties_template = 'confluent/kafka/mirror/',
$producer_properties_template = 'confluent/kafka/mirror/',
$default_template = 'confluent/kafka/mirror/kafka-mirror.default.erb',
$log4j_properties_template = 'confluent/kafka/mirror/',
require ::confluent::kafka::common
# Install a catch-all systemd service to ease stopping and starting
# of all MirrorMaker processes on this host.
if !defined(Systemd::Service['kafka-mirror']) {
systemd::service { 'kafka-mirror':
content => systemd_template('kafka-mirror'),
$mirror_name = $title
# used in metric names.
$client_id = "kafka-mirror-${::hostname}-${mirror_name}"
# Local variable for rendering in templates.
$java_home = $::confluent::kafka::common::java_home
file { "/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_name}":
ensure => 'directory',
recurse => true,
purge => true,
# Log to custom log file for this MirrorMaker instance.
$log_file = "/var/log/kafka/kafka-mirror-${mirror_name}.log"
file { "/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_name}/":
content => template($log4j_properties_template),
file { "/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_name}/":
content => template($consumer_properties_template),
file { "/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_name}/":
content => template($producer_properties_template),
file { "/etc/default/kafka-mirror-${mirror_name}":
content => template($default_template),
$service_ensure = $enabled ? {
false => 'absent',
default => 'present',
# Start the MirrorMaker instance.
# We don't want to subscribe to the config files here.
systemd::service { "kafka-mirror-${mirror_name}":
ensure => $service_ensure,
content => systemd_template('kafka-mirror-instance'),
require => [