Defined Type: debconf::set
- Defined in:
- modules/debconf/manifests/set.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: debconf::set
Sets a debconf value, useful for preseeding package configuration before installing them.
- title
debconf question, e.g. mailman/used_languages
- value
preseeded answer to the debconf question
- type
type of the value to set. Default: string
- owner
'Owner' of the debconf setting, this should usually be the package name. For historical reasons, this is 'set', as this was incorrectly used as the 'owner' for all usages of this define. In order to not break those existent usages, this value defaults to 'set'. If you are using this define for a new setting, please set $owner to the package name the setting is for.
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# File 'modules/debconf/manifests/set.pp', line 26
define debconf::set(
$type = 'string',
$owner = 'set'
) {
exec { "debconf-set-selections ${owner} ${type} ${title}":
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin',
command => "echo ${owner} ${title} ${type} \"${value}\" | debconf-set-selections",
unless => "test \"$(echo get ${title} | debconf-communicate)\" = \"0 ${value}\"",