Defined Type: dumps::web::fetches::job
- Defined in:
- modules/dumps/manifests/web/fetches/job.pp
Define dumps::web::fetches
Regularly copies files from $source to $destination.
- ensure
Ensure status of systemd timer ensure => absent will not remove any existent data.
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# File 'modules/dumps/manifests/web/fetches/job.pp', line 9
define dumps::web::fetches::job(
$delete = true,
$exclude = undef,
$user = undef,
$mailto = '',
$hour = '*',
$minute = '*',
$month = '*',
$monthday = '*',
$weekday = undef,
$ensure = 'present',
) {
file { $destination:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => $user,
group => 'root',
$delete_option = $delete ? {
true => '--delete',
default => ''
$exclude_option = $exclude ? {
undef => '',
default => " --exclude ${exclude}"
# The rsync options, and paths can be so complex to just parse to the systemd service, so
# we'll need to wrap the command in a script, which the service can then run.
file { "/usr/local/bin/dump-fetch-${title}.sh":
ensure => $ensure,
owner => $user,
group => 'root',
mode => '0554',
content => template('dumps/rsync/run_rsync.erb'),
# Construct interval variable. The systemd calendar "parser" will complain about
# * for weekdays.
if ($weekday) {
$interval = "${weekday} *-${month}-${monthday} ${hour}:${minute}:00"
} else {
$interval = "*-${month}-${monthday} ${hour}:${minute}:00"
systemd::timer::job { "dumps-fetch-${title}":
ensure => $ensure,
description => "${title} rsync job",
command => "/usr/local/bin/dump-fetch-${title}.sh",
user => $user,
environment => {'MAILTO' => $mailto},
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => $interval},