Defined Type: httpd::env
- Defined in:
- modules/httpd/manifests/env.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: apache::env
This resource provides an easy way to declare environment variables for Apache.
- ensure
If 'present', the environment variables will be defined; if absent, undefined. The default is 'present'.
- vars
A hash which maps variable names to values. Keys are uppercased.
- priority
If you need these vars defined before or after other scripts, you can do so by manipulating this value. In most cases, the default value of 50 should be fine.
apache::env { 'apache_chuid':
vars => {
apache_run_user => 'www-data',
apache_pid_file => '/var/run/apache2/',
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'modules/httpd/manifests/env.pp', line 30
define httpd::env(
Hash[String,String] $vars,
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = present,
Integer[0,99] $priority = 50,
) {
httpd::conf { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
conf_type => 'env',
content => template('httpd/env.conf.erb'),
priority => $priority,