Defined Type: kafkatee::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/kafkatee/manifests/instance.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: kafkatee::instance
Installs and configures a kafkatee instance.
$kafka_brokers - Array of Kafka broker addresses. $inputs - Array of kafkatee input configs. See README. $kafka_offset_store_method - Ether 'none', 'file', or 'broker'. Default: file $kafka_offset_store_path - Path in which to store consumed Kafka offsets.
Default: /var/cache/kafkatee/offsets
$kafka_offset_reset - Where to consume from if the offset from which to
consume is not on the broker, or if there is no
stored offset yet.
One of: smallest, largest, error.
Default: largest
$kafka_message_max_bytes - Maximum message size. Default: undef (4000000). $kafka_group_id - Consumer for this Kafka Consumer instance.
Default: $fqdn
$pidfile - Location of kafkatee pidfile.
Default: /var/run/kafkatee/
$log_statistics_file - Path in which to store kafkatee .json statistics.
Default: /var/cache/kafkatee/kafkatee.stats.json
$log_statistics_interval - How often to write statistics to
Default: 60
$output_encoding - If this is string and inputs are json, then the
JSON input will be transformed according to
$output_format before they are sent to
the configured outputs.
Default: string
$output_format - Format string with which to transform JSON data
into string output. See kafkatee.conf docs
for more info. Default: undef.
$output_queue_size - Maximum queue size for each output, in
number of messages.
Default: undef, (1000000)
$config_file - Main kafkatee config file.
Default: /etc/kafkatee.conf
$config_directory - kafkatee config include directory.
Default: /etc/kafkatee.d
$output_config - Instruct the kafkatee instance to read or not
the output configuration directory.
Default: true
$configure_rsyslog - Add necessary configuration files for logrotate
and rsyslog. The rsyslog/logrotate configuration
are handled by two separate puppet modules
(named rsyslog and logrotate), so setting this
option to 'true' will require both of them to
work properly.
Default: true
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# File 'modules/kafkatee/manifests/instance.pp', line 54
define kafkatee::instance (
Array[String] $kafka_brokers,
Array[Kafkatee::Input] $inputs,
Enum['file', 'broker', 'none'] $kafka_offset_store_method = 'file',
Stdlib::Unixpath $kafka_offset_store_path = "/var/cache/kafkatee/${name}/offsets",
Enum['smallest', 'largest', 'error'] $kafka_offset_reset = 'largest',
Optional[Integer] $kafka_message_max_bytes = undef,
String $kafka_group_id = $::fqdn,
Stdlib::Unixpath $pidfile = "/var/run/kafkatee/kafkatee-${name}.pid",
Stdlib::Unixpath $log_statistics_file = "/var/cache/kafkatee/${name}/kafkatee.stats.json",
Integer[0,300] $log_statistics_interval = 60,
Enum['string', 'json'] $output_encoding = 'string',
Optional[String] $output_format = undef,
Optional[Integer] $output_queue_size = undef,
Boolean $output_config = true,
Boolean $ssl_enabled = false,
Stdlib::Unixpath $ssl_ca_location = $facts['puppet_config']['localcacert'],
String $ssl_cipher_suites = 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384',
String $ssl_curves_list = 'P-256',
String $ssl_sigalgs_list = 'ECDSA+SHA256',
require ::kafkatee
file { "/etc/kafkatee/${title}.outputs":
ensure => 'directory',
require => Package['kafkatee'],
file { "/var/cache/kafkatee/${title}":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'kafkatee',
group => 'kafkatee',
require => Package['kafkatee'],
# Basic logrotate.d configuration to rotate statisitcs files for this instance.
logrotate::conf { "kafkatee-${title}":
content => template('kafkatee/kafkatee_instance_logrotate.erb'),
file { "/etc/kafkatee/${title}.conf":
content => template('kafkatee/kafkatee.conf.erb'),
require => Package['kafkatee'],
systemd::service { "kafkatee-${title}":
content => systemd_template('kafkatee'),
restart => true,
subscribe => File["/etc/kafkatee/${title}.conf"],