Defined Type: kafkatee::output
- Defined in:
- modules/kafkatee/manifests/output.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define kafkatee::output
Configures a kafkatee output.
$instance_name - Name of kafkatee::instance.
$destination - Where this output will be sent. If $type is
'file', then this should be a file path. Otherwise
it should be a process that receives input from stdin.
$type - Type of kafkatee output. Either 'file' or 'pipe'.
Default: file
$sample - The sample rate denominator (1/$sample).
e.g. 1 means 100%, 1/10 means 10%, etc.
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# File 'modules/kafkatee/manifests/output.pp', line 16
define kafkatee::output(
$type = 'file',
$sample = 1,
$ensure = 'present',
file { "/etc/kafkatee/${instance_name}.outputs/output.${title}.conf":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('kafkatee/output.conf.erb'),
notify => Service["kafkatee-${instance_name}"],