Defined Type: logstash::input::gelf
- Defined in:
- modules/logstash/manifests/input/gelf.pp
Define: logstash::input::gelf
Configure logstash to collect input as a gelf (graylog) listener.
$port: port to listen for gelf input on
$priority: Configuration loading priority. Default '10'.
$ensure: Whether the config should exist.
$plugin_id: Name associated with Logstash metrics
$host: The IP or hostname to listen on, e.g. “”
Sample usage:
logstash::input::gelf {
port => 12201,
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 |
# File 'modules/logstash/manifests/input/gelf.pp', line 20
define logstash::input::gelf(
$ensure = present,
$port = 12201,
$host = undef,
$priority = 10,
$plugin_id = "input/gelf/${port}",
$tags = undef,
) {
logstash::conf { "input-gelf-${title}":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('logstash/input/gelf.erb'),
priority => $priority,