Defined Type: logstash::output::kafka
- Defined in:
- modules/logstash/manifests/output/kafka.pp
Define: logstash::output::kafka
output logstash messages to a Kafka topic.
$ensure: Whether the config should exist. Default: present.
$priority: Configuration loading priority. Default: '10'.
$topic: Kafka topic. Default: $title.
$codec: Codec to encode output. Default 'plain'.
$bootstrap_servers: Kafka servers to bootstrap from. This list should be
a string in the form of `host1:port1,host2:port2.
$plugin_id: Name associated with Logstash metrics
$security_protocol: Security protocol to use, which can be either of PLAINTEXT,SSL,SASL_PLAINTEXT,SASL_SSL
must be set to SSL for ssl_truststore* configs to be set
$ssl_truststore_location: path to jks truststore file. Default: none. Requires $security_protocol = 'SSL'
$ssl_truststore_password: jks truststore password value. Default: none. Requires $security_protocol = 'SSL'
$guard_condition: Logstash condition to require to pass events to output.
Default undef.
Sample usage:
logstash::output::kafka { 'some_topic':
bootstrap_servers => 'kafka1001:9092,kafka1002:9092',
TODO: Make this work with $kafka_cluster_name and kafka_config like logstash::input::kafka does.
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# File 'modules/logstash/manifests/output/kafka.pp', line 29
define logstash::output::kafka(
$ensure = present,
$priority = 10,
$topic = $title,
String $codec = 'plain',
$plugin_id = "output/kafka/${title}",
$guard_condition = undef,
Stdlib::Unixpath $ssl_truststore_location = undef,
String $ssl_truststore_password = undef,
Optional[String] $ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm = undef,
) {
logstash::conf { "output-kafka-${title}":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('logstash/output/kafka.erb'),
priority => $priority,