Defined Type: nrpe::monitor_service
- Defined in:
- modules/nrpe/manifests/monitor_service.pp
Definition: nrpe::monitor_service
Defines a Nagios check for a remote service over NRPE
Also optionally installs a corresponding NRPE check file using nrpe::check
A required URL used to provide information about the service.
Ideally a runbook how to handle alerts on Wikitech. Must not be URL-encoded.
Service check description
The path to the actual binary/script. A stanza for nrpe daemon will be
added with that path and a nagios_service check will be exported to
nagios server.
Defaults to admins, the nagios contact group for the service
Defaults to 3. The number of times a service will be retried before
Defaults to 10. The check timeout in seconds (check_nrpe -t option)
Defaults to false. If true, this will be a paging alert.
Default to false. If present execute this registered command on the
Nagios server.
An optional URL to link to grafana or another monitoring dashboard.
Must not be URL-encoded.
Defaults to present
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# File 'modules/nrpe/manifests/monitor_service.pp', line 36
define nrpe::monitor_service(
Optional[Stdlib::HTTPSUrl] $notes_url = undef,
$description = undef,
$nrpe_command = undef,
$contact_group = lookup('contactgroups', {default_value => 'admins'}),
$retries = 3,
$timeout = 10,
Boolean $critical = false,
$event_handler = undef,
$check_interval = 1, # min
$retry_interval = 1, # min
Optional[Array[Stdlib::HTTPSUrl, 1]] $dashboard_links = undef,
Optional[String] $sudo_user = undef,
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = present,
) {
unless $ensure == 'absent' or ($description and $nrpe_command and $notes_url) {
fail('Description, nrpe_command, and notes_url parameters are mandatory for ensure != absent')
nrpe::check { "check_${title}":
ensure => $ensure,
command => $nrpe_command,
sudo_user => $sudo_user,
before => Monitoring::Service[$title],
$notes_urls = monitoring::build_notes_url($notes_url,
($dashboard_links) ? {undef => [], default => $dashboard_links})
monitoring::service { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
description => $description,
check_command => "nrpe_check!check_${title}!${timeout}",
contact_group => $contact_group,
retries => $retries,
critical => $critical,
event_handler => $event_handler,
check_interval => $check_interval,
retry_interval => $retry_interval,
notes_url => $notes_urls,