Defined Type: phabricator::conf_env
- Defined in:
- modules/phabricator/manifests/conf_env.pp
Define: phabricator::conf_env
Creates a environment-specific config file which can be activated with the environment variable `PHABRICATOR_ENV`
When active, any config keys in this file override keys in the standard phabricator config file `local.json`
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# File 'modules/phabricator/manifests/conf_env.pp', line 8
define phabricator::conf_env(
String $environment,
Hash $phab_settings = {},
String $owner = 'root',
String $group = 'root',
) {
file { "${phabricator::confdir}/local/${environment}.json":
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => '0640',
content => to_json_pretty($phab_settings),
require => [Package[$phabricator::deploy_target]],