Defined Type: php::fpm::pool
- Defined in:
- modules/php/manifests/fpm/pool.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: php::fpm::pool
Configures an fpm pool. You need to declare the class php::fpm before you use this define.
php::fpm::pool { 'mediawiki':
port => 8000,
config => { 'pm.max_children' => 128 },
- filename
The name of the file to install. Defaults to $title
- port
If defined, the TCP port (on localhost) the pool will be listening on. If not, the pool will listen on a unix socket at '/run/php/fpm-<title_safe>.sock'. Defaults to undef.
- user
The user the pool will run as. Defaults to www-data.
- group
The group the pool will run as. Defaults to www-data.
- version
The php version we're configuring this pool for. Only one version allowed per pool.
- config
Any additional config, in the form of a k => v hash, to merge with the default one. Defaults to an empty hash.
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# File 'modules/php/manifests/fpm/pool.pp', line 35
define php::fpm::pool(
String $filename = $title,
Optional[Stdlib::Port] $port = undef,
String $user = 'www-data',
String $group = 'www-data',
Wmflib::Php_version $version = '7.0',
Hash $config = {},
if !defined(Class['php::fpm']) {
fail('php::fpm::pools can only be configured if php::fpm is defined')
$title_safe = regsubst($title, '[^\w\.]', '-', 'G')
$filename_safe = regsubst($filename, '[^\w\.]', '-', 'G')
if $port == undef {
$listen = "/run/php/fpm-${title_safe}.sock"
} else {
$listen = "${port}"
$base_config = {
'user' => $user,
'group' => $group,
'listen' => $listen,
'listen.owner' => $user,
'' => $group,
'listen.allowed_clients' => '',
'listen.backlog' => 256,
'pm' => 'static',
'pm.max_children' => $facts['processors']['count'],
'pm.max_requests' => 100000,
'pm.status_path' => '/status',
'access.format' => '%{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}t [%p] %{microseconds}d %{HTTP_HOST}e/%r %m/%s %{mega}M',
'slowlog' => "/var/log/php${version}-fpm-${title_safe}-slowlog.log",
'request_slowlog_timeout' => 15,
'process.dumpable' => yes,
$pool_config = merge($base_config, $config)
$config_dir = php::config_dir($version)
$service = php::fpm::programname($version)
file { "${config_dir}/fpm/pool.d/${filename_safe}.conf":
content => template("php/php${version}-fpm.pool.conf.erb"),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
notify => Service[$service],