Defined Type: profile::analytics::refinery::job::refine_job
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/analytics/refinery/job/refine_job.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define profile::analytics::refinery::job::refine_job
Installs a systemd timer to run the Refine Spark job. This is used to import arbitrary (schemaed) JSON data into Hive.
If $refine_monitor_enabled is true, a daily RefineMonitor job will be scheduled to look back over a 48 hour period to ensure that all datasets expected to be refined were successfully done so, or if any _FAILURE flags exist.
For description of the Refine $job_config parameters, see:
- job_config
A hash of job config properites that will be rendered as a .properties file and
given to the Refine job as the --config_file argument.
- monitor_interval
Systemd time interval for running the RefineMonitor job.
- job_name
The Spark job name. Default: refine_$title
- spark_submit
Path to spark-submit executable spark_job should use. Default: /usr/bin/spark3-submit
- interval
Systemd time interval. Default: '--* *:00:00' (hourly)
- monitor_since
If refine_monitor_enabled, RefineMonitor should use the same settings as the main Refine job, but likely with a wider range of data to check. Instead of re-rendering an entirely different job config file, use the same one as the main Refine job, but with CLI flags to override –since to $monitor_since. Default: 48 hours ago.
- monitor_until
If refine_monitor_enabled, RefineMonitor should use the same settings as the main Refine job, but likely with a wider range of data to check. Instead of re-rendering an entirely different job config file, use the same one as the main Refine job, but with CLI flags to override –until to $monitor_until. Default: 4 hours ago.
- send_mail
If true, service failures will alert, e.g. a bad exit code from Refine or RefineMonitor will result in an email sent to Analytics/DSE
- refine_monitor_enabled
If true, a RefineMonitor job will be scheduled using the same job_config for Refine plus any refine_monitor_job_config overrides. RefineMonitor alerts on missing dataset hours or failure flags.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/analytics/refinery/job/refine_job.pp', line 57
define profile::analytics::refinery::job::refine_job (
$job_name = "refine_${title}",
$refinery_job_jar = undef,
$job_class = '',
$monitor_class = '',
$monitor_since = 48,
$monitor_until = 4,
$queue = 'production',
$spark_submit = '/usr/bin/spark3-submit',
$spark_executor_memory = '4G',
$spark_executor_cores = 1,
$spark_driver_memory = '8G',
$spark_max_executors = 64,
$spark_extra_files = undef,
$spark_extra_opts = '',
$deploy_mode = 'cluster',
$user = 'analytics',
$interval = '*-*-* *:00:00',
$send_mail = true,
$refine_monitor_enabled = $send_mail,
$ensure = 'present',
$use_keytab = false,
) {
require ::profile::analytics::refinery
$refinery_path = $profile::analytics::refinery::path
# refine job properties will go in /etc/refinery/refine
$job_config_dir = "${::profile::analytics::refinery::config_dir}/refine"
if !defined(File[$job_config_dir]) {
file { $job_config_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
# If $refinery_job_jar not given, use the symlink at artifacts/refinery-job.jar
$_refinery_job_jar = $refinery_job_jar ? {
undef => "${refinery_path}/artifacts/refinery-job-shaded.jar",
default => $refinery_job_jar,
$job_config_file = "${job_config_dir}/${job_name}.properties"
profile::analytics::refinery::job::config { $job_config_file:
ensure => $ensure,
properties => $job_config,
# All spark jobs declared here share these parameters.
Profile::Analytics::Refinery::Job::Spark_job {
spark_submit => $spark_submit,
jar => $_refinery_job_jar,
require => Profile::Analytics::Refinery::Job::Config[$job_config_file],
user => $user,
send_mail => $send_mail,
use_keytab => $use_keytab,
# We need to load an older CDH's version of these Hive jars in order to use
# Hive JDBC directly inside of a spark job. This is a workaround for
# See also:
# Because these older CDH hive jars are no longer deployed throughout the cluster,
# we need to include them in --files to upload them to the YARN AM/Spark Driver container.
$driver_extra_hive_jars = "${refinery_path}/artifacts/hive-jdbc-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0.jar,${refinery_path}/artifacts/hive-service-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0.jar"
# We need hadoop-mapreduce-client-common which IS deployed throughout the cluster,
# as well as the aforementioned CDH 5.10.0 hive jars, which have will be uploaded to the
# Spark Driver's working dir, and should be referenced by relative path.
$driver_extra_classpath = '/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-common.jar:hive-jdbc-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0.jar:hive-service-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0.jar'
# If $spark_extra_files is given, append it with a comma to existing files.
$_spark_extra_files = $spark_extra_files ? {
undef => '',
default => ",${spark_extra_files}",
$config_file_path = $deploy_mode ? {
'client' => $job_config_file,
default => "${job_name}.properties",
# In DataFrameToHive we issue CREATE/ALTER sql statement to Hive if needed.
# Spark is not aware of this code and by default it retrieves Delegation Tokens
# only for HDFS/Hive-Metastore/HBase. When the JDBC connection to the Hive Server 2
# is established (with Kerberos enabled), some credentials will be needed to be able
# to login as $user. These credentials are explicitly provided as keytab, that is copied
# (securely) by Yarn to its distributed cache.
profile::analytics::refinery::job::spark_job { $job_name:
ensure => $ensure,
main_class => $job_class,
# We use spark's --files option to load the $job_config_file to the Spark job's working HDFS dir.
# It is then referenced via its relative file name with --config_file $
spark_opts => "--files /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml,${job_config_file},${driver_extra_hive_jars}${_spark_extra_files} --master yarn --deploy-mode ${deploy_mode} --queue ${queue} --driver-memory ${spark_driver_memory} --executor-memory ${spark_executor_memory} --executor-cores ${spark_executor_cores} --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=${driver_extra_classpath} --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=${spark_max_executors} ${spark_extra_opts}",
job_opts => "--config_file ${config_file_path}",
interval => $interval,
# NOTE: RefineMonitor should not be run in YARN,
# as they only look in HDFS paths and don't crunch any data.
# Look back over a 48 period before 4 hours ago and ensure that all expected
# refined datasets for this job are present and no _FAILURE flags exist.
if $ensure == 'present' and $refine_monitor_enabled {
$ensure_monitor = 'present'
else {
$ensure_monitor = 'absent'
profile::analytics::refinery::job::spark_job { "monitor_${job_name}":
ensure => $ensure_monitor,
main_class => $monitor_class,
# Use the same config file as the Refine job, but override the since and until.
job_opts => "--config_file ${job_config_file} --since ${monitor_since} --until ${monitor_until}",
interval => $monitor_interval,
send_mail => $send_mail,