Defined Type: profile::pki::multirootca::monitoring
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/pki/multirootca/monitoring.pp
configure monitoring for the multirootca profileOverview
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/pki/multirootca/monitoring.pp', line 7
define profile::pki::multirootca::monitoring (
Stdlib::Unixpath $ca_file,
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = 'present',
String $intermediate = $title,
String $vhost = $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
) {
$one_month_secs = 60 * 60 * 42 * 31
$nrpe_command = "/usr/bin/openssl x509 -checkend ${one_month_secs} -in ${ca_file}"
sudo::user { "nrpe_certificate_check_${intermediate}":
ensure => absent,
nrpe::monitor_service { "check_certificate_expiry_${intermediate}":
ensure => $ensure,
description => "Check to ensure the signer certificate is valid CA: ${intermediate}",
notes_url => '',
nrpe_command => "/usr/bin/openssl x509 -checkend ${one_month_secs} -in ${ca_file}",
sudo_user => 'root',
# Note: this script requires python3-cryptography
# and prometheus-client but the packages
# are already defined and required by other classes, like cfssl::ocsp.
# If this define's ensure is set to absent (like in cloud), then puppet
# will try to remove the packages ending up in conflicts with other
# requests for the packages.
# To workaround this problem, simply ensure that the packages are deployed
# rather than delegate prometheus::node_textfile to manage their state.
prometheus::node_textfile { "prometheus-check-${title}-certificate-expiry":
ensure => $ensure,
filesource => 'puppet:///modules/prometheus/',
interval => 'daily',
run_cmd => "/usr/local/bin/prometheus-check-${title}-certificate-expiry --cert-path ${ca_file} --outfile /var/lib/prometheus/node.d/${title}_intermediate.prom",
extra_packages => [],
require => Package[
prometheus::blackbox::check::http { "PKI_${title}":
server_name => $vhost,
use_client_auth => true,
path => '/api/v1/cfssl/info',
method => 'POST',
body_raw => { 'label' => $intermediate }.to_json,
body_regex_matches => ['"success":true'],