Defined Type: sbuild::chroot
- Defined in:
- modules/sbuild/manifests/chroot.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/sbuild/manifests/chroot.pp', line 2
define sbuild::chroot(
String $distribution = $title,
) {
require ::sbuild
$sbuild_cmd = '/usr/bin/sbuild-createchroot --include=eatmydata,ccache'
$sbuild_mirror = ''
$chroot_name = "${distribution}-amd64-sbuild"
$chroot_dir = "/srv/chroot/${chroot_name}"
$create_cmd = "${sbuild_cmd} ${distribution} ${chroot_dir} ${sbuild_mirror}"
# create the chroot
exec { "sbuild-createchroot-${chroot_name}":
command => $create_cmd,
creates => $chroot_dir,
# schedule daily updates to the chroot
$update_cmd = "/usr/bin/sbuild-update ${chroot_name}"
systemd::timer::job { "update-${chroot_name}-chroot":
ensure => present,
description => "update ${chroot_name} chroot for sbuild",
command => $update_cmd,
user => 'root',
interval => {
'start' => 'OnCalendar',
'interval' => '*-*-* 08:00:00', #daily at 08:00 UTC, arbitrary