Defined Type: service::node
- Defined in:
- modules/service/manifests/node.pp
Define: service::node
service::node provides a common wrapper for setting up Node.js services based on service-template-node on. Note that most of the facts listed as parameters to this class are set correctly via Hiera. The only required parameter is the port. Alternatively, config may be given as well if needed.
- enable
Whether or not the systemd unit for the service should be running. This is passed through to the underlying base::service_unit resource. Default: true.
- icinga_check
Whether or not to deploy Icinga monitoring on a per-host basis. Default: true
- port
Port on which to run the service
- config
The individual service's config to use. It can be eaither a hash of key => value pairs, or a YAML-formatted string. Note that the complete configuration will be assembled using the bits given here and common node service configuration directives. If none is provided, we assume the config can be built from a template in a standard location
- full_config
Whether the full config has been provided by the caller. If set to true, no config merging will take place and the caller is required to supply the 'config' parameter. If set to 'external', it will prevent service::node from performing any configuration. Default: false
- no_workers
Number of workers to start. Default: 'ncpu' (i.e. start as many workers as there are CPUs)
- heap_limit
Maximum amount of heap memory each worker is allowed to have in MBs. If surpassed, the worker will be killed and a new one will be spawned. Default: 300
- heartbeat_to
Interval (in ms) used to monitor workers for activity. If $heartbeat_to milliseconds pass without a worker sending a heartbeat, it will be killed by the master. Default: 7500
- no_file
Number of maximum allowed open files for the service, to be set by ulimit. Default: 10000
- healthcheck_url
The url to monitor the service at. 200 OK is the expected answer. If has_spec it true, this is supposed to be the base url for the spec request
- has_spec
If the service specifies a swagger spec, use it to thoroughly monitor it. Default: false
- monitor_to
The maximum amount of time the service can take to respond to monitoring requests. It only has an effect if has_spec == true. Default: 5
- repo
The name of the repo to use for deployment. Default: $title/deploy
- starter_module
The service's starter module loaded by service-runner on start-up. Default: ./src/app.js
- entrypoint
If the service's starter module exports a specific function that should be used on start-up, set this parameter to the function's name. Default: ''
- starter_script
The script used for starting the service. Default: src/server.js
- use_proxy
Whether the service needs to use the proxy to access external resources. Default: false
- local_logging
Whether to store log entries on the target node as well. Default: true
- logging_name
The logging name to send to logstash. Default: $title
- statsd_prefix
The statsd metric prefix to use. Default: $title
- auto_refresh
Whether the service should be automatically restarted after config changes. Default: true
- init_restart
Whether the service should be respawned by the init system in case of crashes. Default: true
- environment
Environment variables that should be set in the service systemd unit Default: undef
- deployment
If this value is set to 'scap3' then deploy via scap3, otherwise, use trebuchet Default: undef
- deployment_user
The user that will own the service code. Only applicable when $deployment =='scap3'. Default: $title
- deployment_config
Whether Scap3 is used for deploying the config as well. Applicable only when $deployment == 'scap3'. Default: false
- deployment_vars
Extra variables to include in the puppet-controlled variables file. This parameter's value is used only when the deployment method is Scap3 and the service's configuration is deployed with it as well. Default: {}
- contact_groups
Contact groups for alerting. Default: lookup('contactgroups', => 'admins'), - use 'contactgroups'
hiera variable with a fallback to 'admins' if 'contactgroups' isn't set.
To set up a service named myservice on port 8520 and with a templated configuration, use:
service::node { 'myservice':
port => 8520,
config => template('myservice/config.yaml.erb'),
Likewise, you can supply the configuration directly as a hash:
service::node { 'myservice':
port => 8520,
config => {
param1 => 'val1',
param2 => $myvar
You can supply additional enviroment variables for the service systemd unit
service::node { 'myservice':
port => 8520,
environment => {
FOO => "bar",
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# File 'modules/service/manifests/node.pp', line 157
define service::node(
Stdlib::Port $port,
Boolean $enable = true,
Boolean $icinga_check = true,
Variant[Hash,String] $config = {},
Variant[Enum['external'], Boolean] $full_config = false,
Variant[Integer, Enum['ncpu']] $no_workers = 'ncpu',
Integer $heap_limit = 300,
Integer $heartbeat_to = 7500,
Integer $no_file = 10000,
String $healthcheck_url = '/_info',
Boolean $has_spec = false,
Integer $monitor_to = 5,
String $repo = "${title}/deploy",
String $starter_module = './src/app.js',
String $entrypoint = '',
String $starter_script = 'src/server.js',
Boolean $use_proxy = false,
Boolean $local_logging = true,
String $logging_name = $title,
String $statsd_prefix = $title,
Boolean $auto_refresh = true,
Boolean $init_restart = true,
Hash $environment = {},
Optional[String] $deployment = undef,
String $deployment_user = 'deploy-service',
Boolean $deployment_config = false,
Hash $deployment_vars = {},
# lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
String $contact_groups = lookup('contactgroups',
{'default_value' => 'admins'}),
# lint:endignore
) {
case $deployment {
'git': {
service::deploy::gitclone { $title:
repository => $repo,
before => Base::Service_unit[$title],
default: {
if ! defined(Scap::Target[$repo]) {
require service::deploy::common
scap::target { $repo:
service_name => $title,
deploy_user => $deployment_user,
before => Base::Service_unit[$title],
manage_user => true,
# lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
include scap::conftool
# lint:endignore
# Import all common configuration
include service::configuration
# we do not allow empty names
unless $title and size($title) > 0 {
fail('No name for this resource given!')
# the local log directory
$local_logdir = "${service::configuration::log_dir}/${title}"
$local_logfile = "${local_logdir}/main.log"
# Software and the deployed code, firejail for containment
if !defined(Package['nodejs']) {
package { 'nodejs':
ensure => present,
if !defined(Package['firejail']) {
package { 'firejail':
ensure => present,
# User/group
group { $title:
ensure => present,
name => $title,
system => true,
before => Service[$title],
user { $title:
gid => $title,
home => '/nonexistent',
shell => '/bin/false',
system => true,
before => Service[$title],
# Configuration, directories
$conf_dir_gid = $deployment ? {
'scap3' => $deployment_user,
default => 'root',
file { "/etc/${title}":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => $conf_dir_gid,
mode => '0775',
if $full_config == 'external' {
notice("Not configuring ${title} as configuration is handled independently")
} elsif $deployment == 'scap3' and $deployment_config {
# NOTE: this is a work-around need to switch config file deployments
# to Scap3. The previous praxis was to make the config owned by root,
# but that is not possible with Scap3, as it installs a symlink under
# the $deployment_user user. chown'ing it will allow Scap3 to remove
# the file and install its symlink
$chown_user = "${deployment_user}:${deployment_user}"
$chown_target = "/etc/${title}/config.yaml"
exec { "chown ${chown_target}":
command => "/bin/chown ${chown_user} ${chown_target}",
# perform the chown only if root is the effective owner
onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -O ${chown_target}",
require => [User[$deployment_user], Group[$deployment_user]]
service::node::config::scap3 { $title:
port => $port,
no_workers => $no_workers,
heap_limit => $heap_limit,
heartbeat_to => $heartbeat_to,
repo => $repo,
starter_module => $starter_module,
entrypoint => $entrypoint,
logging_name => $logging_name,
statsd_prefix => $statsd_prefix,
auto_refresh => $auto_refresh,
deployment_vars => $deployment_vars,
deployment_user => $deployment_user,
} else {
service::node::config { $title:
port => $port,
config => $config,
full_config => $full_config,
no_workers => $no_workers,
heap_limit => $heap_limit,
heartbeat_to => $heartbeat_to,
local_logging => $local_logging,
starter_module => $starter_module,
entrypoint => $entrypoint,
logging_name => $logging_name,
statsd_prefix => $statsd_prefix,
auto_refresh => $auto_refresh,
use_proxy => $use_proxy
# set up redirecting of stdout/stderr to a file that will be readable by any user.
systemd::syslog { $title:
readable_by => 'all',
base_dir => $::service::configuration::log_dir,
group => 'root',
if $local_logging {
# convenience script to pretty-print logs
file { "/usr/local/bin/tail-${title}":
content => template('service/node/tail-log.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755'
# we first placed tail-${title} in /usr/bin, so make sure
# it's not there any more
file { "/usr/bin/tail-${title}":
ensure => absent,
# Ensure the local log directory is present before the service
if $enable {
File[$local_logdir] -> Service[$title]
# service init script and activation
base::service_unit { $title:
ensure => present,
systemd => systemd_template('node'),
refresh => $auto_refresh,
service_params => {
enable => $enable,
ensure => stdlib::ensure($enable, 'service'),
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
# Basic firewall
ferm::service { $title:
proto => 'tcp',
port => $port,
# Monitoring
$ensure_monitoring = ($enable and $icinga_check) ? {
true => 'present',
false => 'absent',
if $has_spec {
# Advanced monitoring
include service::monitoring
$monitor_url = "http://${::ipaddress}:${port}${healthcheck_url}"
file { "/usr/local/bin/check-${title}":
content => template('service/check-service.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
nrpe::monitor_service{ "endpoints_${title}":
ensure => $ensure_monitoring,
description => "${title} endpoints health",
nrpe_command => "/usr/local/bin/check-${title}",
subscribe => File["/usr/local/bin/check-${title}"],
contact_group => $contact_groups,
notes_url => "${title}",
# we also support smart-releases
service::deployment_script { $name:
monitor_url => $monitor_url,
has_autorestart => $auto_refresh,
} else {
# Basic monitoring
monitoring::service { $title:
ensure => $ensure_monitoring,
description => $title,
check_command => "check_http_port_url!${port}!${healthcheck_url}",
contact_group => $contact_groups,
notes_url => "${title}",