Defined Type: systemd::tmpfile
- Defined in:
- modules/systemd/manifests/tmpfile.pp
systemd::tmpfile ==
This define creates a systemd tmpfiles.d configuration snippet
Parameters ===
The resource title is the basename of the resulting config file (the .conf is automatically appended)
- content
The content of the file. Required.
- ensure
The usual meta-parameter, defaults to present. Valid values are 'absent' and 'present'
- owner
The owner of the file. Defaults to root, but can be overridden if the config file needs to be read by some daemon
- group
The group owner of the file. Defaults to root, but can be overridden if the config file needs to be read by some daemon
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# File 'modules/systemd/manifests/tmpfile.pp', line 21
define systemd::tmpfile(
$safe_title = regsubst($title, '[\W_/]', '-', 'G')
$conf_path = "/etc/tmpfiles.d/${safe_title}.conf"
file { $conf_path:
ensure => $ensure,
content => $content,
mode => '0444',
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
if $ensure == 'present' {
exec { "Refresh tmpfile ${name}":
command => "/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create --remove '${conf_path}'",
user => 'root',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => File[$conf_path],