Defined Type: trafficserver::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/trafficserver/manifests/instance.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Define: trafficserver::instance
This module provisions Apache Traffic Server – a fast, scalable caching proxy.
ATS event logs can be written to ASCII files, binary files, or named pipes. Event logs are described here:
- paths
Mapping of trafficserver paths. See Trafficserver::Paths and trafficserver::get_paths()
- conftool_service
Service name used on conftool for this trafficserver instance. This will be used to populate the ats-$instance_name-restart script with the proper conftool selector
- default_instance
Setup ATS default instance. (default: false) Setting this value to true must be only done in one ATS instance per server. This will trigger the usage of the main trafficserver instance, instead of one sandboxed using traffic_layout. More information about traffic_layout can be found in and
- http_port
Bind trafficserver to this TCP port for HTTP requests.
- https_port
Bind trafficserver to this TCP port for HTTPS requests.
- disable_dns_resolution
Disables (1) or enables (0) DNS resolution of hosts defined on remapping rules (default: 0)
- network_settings
Instance of Trafficserver::Network_settings. (default: undef).
- http_settings
Instance of Trafficserver::HTTP_settings. (default: undef).
- h2_settings
Instance of Trafficserver::H2_settings. (default: undef).
- ttfb_timeout
The timeout value (in seconds) for time to first byte for HTTP and HTTP2 connections. (default: 180 secs)
- inbound_tls_settings
Inbound TLS settings. (default: undef). for example: {
common => { cipher_suite => '-ALL:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', enable_tlsv1 => 0, enable_tlsv1_1 => 0, enable_tlsv1_2 => 1, enable_tlsv1_3 => 1, }, cert_path => '/etc/ssl/localcerts', cert_files => ['globalsign-2018-ecdsa-unified.chained.crt','globalsign-2018-rsa-unified.chained.crt'], private_key_path => '/etc/ssl/private', private_key_files => ['globalsign-2018-ecdsa-unified.key','globalsign-2018-rsa-unified.key'], dhparams_file => '/etc/ssl/dhparam.pem', max_record_size => 16383,
- outbound_tls_settings
Outbound TLS settings. (default: undef). for example: {
common => { cipher_suite => '-ALL:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', enable_tlsv1 => 0, enable_tlsv1_1 => 0, enable_tlsv1_2 => 1, enable_tlsv1_3 => 1, }, verify_origin => true, # ATS 8.x verify_server_policy => ENFORCED, # ATS 9.x cacert_dirname => '/etc/ssl/certs', cacert_filename => 'Puppet_Internal_CA.pem',
check the type definitions for more detailed information
- enable_xdebug
Enable the XDebug plugin. (default: false)
- enable_compress
Enable the compress plugin. (default: false) See
- collapsed_forwarding
Enable the Collapsed Forwarding plugin. (default: false)
- origin_coalescing
Enable request coalescing for in-flight origin server requests. (default: true)
- global_lua_script
The name of the global Lua script to define in plugin.config. (default: '').
- max_lua_states
The maximum number of allowed Lua states. (default: 256). See
- mapping_rules
An array of Trafficserver::Mapping_rules, each representing a mapping rule. (default: []). See
- enable_caching
Enable caching of HTTP requests. (default: true)
- required_headers
The type of headers required in a request for the request to be cacheable. (default: 2) See
- guaranteed_max_lifetime
Maximum TTL of objects considered 'fresh' in seconds. (default: 31536000) See
- caching_rules
An array of Trafficserver::Caching_rules, each representing a caching rule. (default: undef). See
- negative_caching
Settings controlling whether or not Negative Response Caching should be enabled, for which status codes, and the lifetime to apply to objects without explicit Cache-Control or Expires. (default: undef). See
- storage
An array of Trafficserver::Storage_elements. (default: undef).
Partitions can be specified by setting the 'devname' key, while files or directories use 'pathname'. For example:
{ 'devname' => 'sda3' } { 'pathname' => '/srv/storage/', 'size' => '10G' }
- cache_volumes
Number of cache volumes to use. (default: 1) See
- ram_cache_size
The amount of memory in bytes to reserve for RAM cache. Traffic Server automatically determines the RAM cache size if this value is not specified or set to -1. (default: -1) See
- log_formats
An array of Trafficserver::Log_formats. (default: []). See
- log_filters
An array of Trafficserver::Log_filters. (default: []). See
- logs
An array of Trafficserver::Logs. (default: []). See
- parent_rules
An optional array of Trafficserver::Parent_Rule. See and the type definition (modules/trafficserver/types/parent_rule.pp) cause only a partial implementation of parent rules is provided.
- error_page
A string containing the error page to deliver to clients when there are problems with the HTTP transactions. (default: '<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body><p>Something went wrong</p></body></html>'). See
- x_forwarded_for
When enabled (1), Traffic Server adds the client IP address to the X-Forwarded-For header. (default: 0).
- systemd_hardening
Whether or not to enable systemd unit security features. (default: true).
- res_track_memory
When enabled makes Traffic Server track memory usage (allocations and releases). (default: undef, behaves as 0) Accepted values:
0 Memory tracking Disabled
1 Tracks IO Buffer Memory allocations and releases
2 Tracks IO Buffer Memory and OpenSSL Memory allocations and releases
trafficserver::instance { 'backend':
user => 'trafficserver',
port => 80,
log_mode => 'ascii',
log_format => 'squid',
log_filename => 'access',
mapping_rules => [ { 'type' => 'map',
'target' => '',
'replacement' => 'http://krypton.eqiad.wmnet/', },
{ 'type' => 'map',
'target' => '/',
'replacement' => '' }, ],
caching_rules => [ { 'primary_destination' => 'dest_domain',
'value' => '',
'action' => 'never-cache' }, ],
storage => [ { 'pathname' => '/srv/storage/', 'size' => '10G' },
{ 'devname' => 'sda3', 'volume' => 1 },
{ 'devname' => 'sdb3', 'volume' => 2, 'id' => 'cache.disk.1' }, ],
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 |
# File 'modules/trafficserver/manifests/instance.pp', line 215
define trafficserver::instance(
Trafficserver::Paths $paths,
String $conftool_service,
Boolean $default_instance = false,
Optional[Stdlib::Port] $http_port = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Port] $https_port = undef,
Integer[0, 1] $disable_dns_resolution = 0,
Optional[Trafficserver::Network_settings] $network_settings = undef,
Optional[Trafficserver::HTTP_settings] $http_settings = undef,
Optional[Trafficserver::H2_settings] $h2_settings = undef,
Optional[Trafficserver::Inbound_TLS_settings] $inbound_tls_settings = undef,
Optional[Trafficserver::Outbound_TLS_settings] $outbound_tls_settings = undef,
Boolean $enable_xdebug = false,
Boolean $enable_compress = false,
Boolean $collapsed_forwarding = false,
Boolean $origin_coalescing = true,
String $global_lua_script = '',
Integer $max_lua_states = 256,
Array[Trafficserver::Mapping_rule] $mapping_rules = [],
Boolean $enable_caching = true,
Optional[Integer[0,2]] $required_headers = undef,
Integer $guaranteed_max_lifetime = 31536000,
Optional[Array[Trafficserver::Caching_rule]] $caching_rules = undef,
Optional[Trafficserver::Negative_Caching] $negative_caching = undef,
Optional[Array[Trafficserver::Storage_element]] $storage = undef,
Integer[1] $cache_volumes = 1,
Optional[Integer] $ram_cache_size = -1,
Array[Trafficserver::Log_format] $log_formats = [],
Array[Trafficserver::Log_filter] $log_filters = [],
Array[Trafficserver::Log] $logs = [],
Optional[Array[Trafficserver::Parent_rule]] $parent_rules = undef,
String $error_page = '<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body><p>Something went wrong</p></body></html>',
Integer[0,1] $x_forwarded_for = 0,
Boolean $systemd_hardening = true,
Optional[Integer[0,2]] $res_track_memory = undef,
) {
# trafficserver::instance can be defined multiple times we need to make sure
# we only initiate the trafficserver class once
require trafficserver
$user = $trafficserver::user # needed by udev_storage.rules.erb and records.config.erb
if !defined('$http_port') and !defined('$https_port') {
fail('You need to specify at least one HTTP(S) port')
if $network_settings and $network_settings['sock_option_flag_in'] >= 0x8 { # TCP_FASTOPEN is enabled
if !defined(Sysctl::Parameters['TCP Fast Open']) { # TODO: Get rid of this as soon as nginx
# is not deployed in the cache cluster
sysctl::parameters { 'TCP Fast Open':
values => {
'net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen' => 3,
if !$default_instance {
trafficserver::layout { $title:
paths => $paths,
$config_requires = Trafficserver::Layout[$title]
$service_name = "trafficserver-${title}"
$service_override = false
} else {
Package[$trafficserver::packages] ~> Systemd::Unmask['trafficserver.service']
systemd::unmask { 'trafficserver.service':
refreshonly => true,
$config_requires = Package['trafficserver']
$service_name = 'trafficserver'
$service_override = true
# Change the ownership of all raw devices so that the trafficserver user
# has read/write access to them
if $enable_caching and $storage {
$storage.each |Trafficserver::Storage_element $element| {
if has_key($element, 'devname') {
udev::rule { $element['devname']:
content => template('trafficserver/udev_storage.rules.erb'),
if $default_instance {
file { $paths['sysconfdir']:
ensure => directory,
owner => $trafficserver::user,
mode => '0755',
$error_template_path = "${paths['sysconfdir']}/error_template"
file {
[$error_template_path, "${error_template_path}/default"]:
ensure => directory,
owner => $trafficserver::user,
mode => '0755',
require => $config_requires,
# needed by plugin.config.erb
$compress_config_path = "${paths['sysconfdir']}/compress.config"
$logging = { 'logging' => {
'formats' => $log_formats,
'filters' => $log_filters,
'logs' => $logs.filter |$log| { $log['ensure'] == 'present' }.map |$log| { $log.delete(['ensure', 'prometheus_port']) },
}.filter |$value| { !$value[1].empty } }
## Config files
file {
* => {
owner => $trafficserver::user,
mode => '0400',
require => $config_requires,
notify => Service[$service_name],
content => template('trafficserver/records.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/remap.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/cache.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/storage.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/volume.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/plugin.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/ssl_multicert.config.erb'),;
content => template('trafficserver/parent.config.erb'),;
content => $logging.to_yaml,;
# This file just needs to be there or ATS will refuse loading any
# template
content => '',
require => File[$error_template_path];
content => $error_page,
require => File[$error_template_path];
file { "${paths['sysconfdir']}/ip_allow.yaml":
content => template('trafficserver/ip_allow.yaml.erb'),
owner => $trafficserver::user,
mode => '0400',
require => $config_requires,
notify => Service[$service_name],
if $enable_compress {
file { $compress_config_path:
owner => $trafficserver::user,
mode => '0400',
require => $config_requires,
notify => Service[$service_name],
content => template('trafficserver/compress.config.erb'),
## Service
$do_ocsp = !empty($inbound_tls_settings) and num2bool($inbound_tls_settings['do_ocsp'])
# We only need to update prefetched OCSP staples iff non-acme chief certificates
# are being deployed in the server
if $do_ocsp {
$update_ocsp = $inbound_tls_settings['certificates'].any |$certificate| { !$certificate['acme_chief'] } # used in the systemd template
} else {
$update_ocsp = false
if ($http_port and $http_port < 1024) or ($https_port and $https_port < 1024) {
$privileged_port = true
} else {
$privileged_port = false
systemd::service { $service_name:
content => init_template('trafficserver', 'systemd_override'),
override => $service_override,
restart => true,
service_params => {
restart => "systemctl reload ${service_name}",
enable => true,
subscribe => Package[$trafficserver::packages],
# Script to depool, restart and repool ATS
file { "/usr/local/sbin/ats-${title}-restart":
ensure => present,
content => "#!/bin/bash\n/usr/local/sbin/ats-restart ${conftool_service} ${service_name}",
mode => '0555',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
require => File['/usr/local/sbin/ats-restart'],
# logrotate configuration
file { "/etc/logrotate.d/ats-${title}":
ensure => present,
content => template('trafficserver/logrotate.erb'),
mode => '0444',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',