Puppet Function: wmflib::ansi::bg
- Defined in:
- modules/wmflib/functions/ansi/bg.pp
- Function type:
- Puppet Language
function to change the background colour of textOverview
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# File 'modules/wmflib/functions/ansi/bg.pp', line 6
function wmflib::ansi::bg (
String[1] $text,
Wmflib::Ansi::Colour $colour,
Boolean $reset = true
) >> String {
$csi = "\u001B[" # lint:ignore:double_quoted_strings
$colour_codes = {
'black' => 40,
'red' => 41,
'green' => 42,
'yellow' => 43,
'blue' => 44,
'magenta' => 45,
'cyan' => 46,
'white' => 47,
$formated = "${csi}${colour_codes[$colour]}m${text}"
$reset.bool2str(wmflib::ansi::reset($formated), $formated)