Puppet Function: defined_with_params
- Defined in:
- vendor_modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/parser/functions/defined_with_params.rb
- Function type:
- Ruby 3.x API
Takes a resource reference and an optional hash of attributes.Overview
Returns `true` if a resource with the specified attributes has already been added to the catalog, and `false` otherwise.
user { 'dan':
ensure => present,
if ! defined_with_params(User[dan], {'ensure' => 'present' }) {
user { 'dan': ensure => present, }
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# File 'vendor_modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/parser/functions/defined_with_params.rb', line 6 Puppet::Parser::Functions.newfunction(:defined_with_params, type: :rvalue, doc: <<-DOC @summary Takes a resource reference and an optional hash of attributes. Returns `true` if a resource with the specified attributes has already been added to the catalog, and `false` otherwise. ``` user { 'dan': ensure => present, } if ! defined_with_params(User[dan], {'ensure' => 'present' }) { user { 'dan': ensure => present, } } ``` @return [Boolean] returns `true` or `false` DOC ) do |vals| reference, params = vals raise(ArgumentError, 'Must specify a reference') unless reference if !params || params == '' params = {} end ret = false if Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(Puppet.version, '4.6.0') >= 0 # Workaround for PE-20308 if reference.is_a?(String) type_name, title = Puppet::Resource.type_and_title(reference, nil) type = Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Runtime3ResourceSupport.find_resource_type_or_class(find_global_scope, type_name.downcase) elsif reference.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) type = reference.type title = reference.title else raise(ArgumentError, "Reference is not understood: '#{reference.class}'") end # end workaround else type = reference.to_s title = nil end resources = if title.empty? catalog.resources.select { |r| r.type == type } else [findresource(type, title)] end resources.compact.each do |res| # If you call this from within a defined type, it will find itself next if res.to_s == resource.to_s matches = params.map do |key, value| # eql? avoids bugs caused by monkeypatching in puppet res_is_undef = res[key].eql?(:undef) || res[key].nil? value_is_undef = value.eql?(:undef) || value.nil? found_match = (res_is_undef && value_is_undef) || (res[key] == value) Puppet.debug("Matching resource is #{res}") if found_match found_match end ret = params.empty? || !matches.include?(false) break if ret end Puppet.debug("Resource #{reference} was not determined to be defined") unless ret ret end |