Resource Type: concat_fragment
- Defined in:
- vendor_modules/concat/lib/puppet/type/concat_fragment.rb
Manages the fragment.Overview
# The example is based on exported resources.
concat_fragment { \"uniqe_name_${::fqdn}\":
tag => 'unique_name',
order => 10, # Optional. Default to 10
content => 'some content' # OR
# content => template('template.erb')
source => 'puppet:///path/to/file'
Supplies the content of the fragment. Note: You must supply either a content parameter or a source parameter. Valid options: a string
name (namevar)
Name of resource.
(defaults to: 10)
Reorders your fragments within the destination file. Fragments that share the same order number are ordered by name. The string option is recommended.
Specifies a file to read into the content of the fragment. Note: You must supply either a content parameter or a source parameter. Valid options: a string or an array, containing one or more Puppet URLs.
Specifies a unique tag to be used by concat_file to reference and collect content.
Required. Specifies the destination file of the fragment. Valid options: a string containing the path or title of the parent concat_file resource.