"""Objects representing MediaWiki File pages.
This module includes objects:
* FilePage: A subclass of Page representing a file description page
* FileInfo: a structure holding imageinfo of latest revision of FilePage
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations
from http import HTTPStatus
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.backports import Iterable
from pywikibot.comms import http
from pywikibot.exceptions import NoPageError
from pywikibot.page._page import Page
from pywikibot.tools import compute_file_hash
__all__ = (
class FilePage(Page):
"""A subclass of Page representing a file description page.
Supports the same interface as Page except *ns*; some added methods.
def __init__(self, source, title: str = '', *,
ignore_extension: bool = False) -> None:
.. versionchanged:: 8.4
Check for valid extensions.
.. versionchanged:: 9.3
Added the optional *ignore_extension* parameter.
.. versionchanged:: 9.6
Show a warning if *ignore_extension* was set and the
extension is invalid.
.. seealso::
:param source: the source of the page
:type source: pywikibot.page.BaseLink (or subclass),
pywikibot.page.Page (or subclass), or pywikibot.page.Site
:param title: normalized title of the page; required if source is a
Site, ignored otherwise
:param ignore_extension: prevent extension check
:raises ValueError: Either the title is not in the file
namespace or does not have a valid extension and
*ignore_extension* was not set.
self._file_revisions = {} # dictionary to cache File history.
super().__init__(source, title, 6)
if self.namespace() != 6:
raise ValueError(f"'{self.title()}' is not in the file namespace!")
title = self.title(with_ns=False, with_section=False)
_, sep, extension = title.rpartition('.')
if not sep or extension.lower() not in self.site.file_extensions:
msg = (f'{title!r} does not have a valid extension\n'
f'({", ".join(self.site.file_extensions)}).')
if not ignore_extension:
raise ValueError(msg)
def _load_file_revisions(self, imageinfo) -> None:
"""Save a file revision of FilePage (a FileInfo object) in local cache.
Metadata shall be added lazily to the revision already present
in cache.
for file_rev in imageinfo:
# filemissing in API response indicates most fields are missing
# see https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/533482/
if 'filemissing' in file_rev:
f"File '{self.title()}' contains missing revisions")
ts_key = pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(file_rev['timestamp'])
file_revision = self._file_revisions.setdefault(
ts_key, FileInfo(file_rev, self))
# add new imageinfo attributes since last request.
def latest_file_info(self):
"""Retrieve and store information of latest Image rev. of FilePage.
At the same time, the whole history of Image is fetched and cached in
:return: instance of FileInfo()
if not self._file_revisions:
self.site.loadimageinfo(self, history=True)
latest_ts = max(self._file_revisions)
return self._file_revisions[latest_ts]
def oldest_file_info(self):
"""Retrieve and store information of oldest Image rev. of FilePage.
At the same time, the whole history of Image is fetched and cached in
:return: instance of FileInfo()
if not self._file_revisions:
self.site.loadimageinfo(self, history=True)
oldest_ts = min(self._file_revisions)
return self._file_revisions[oldest_ts]
def get_file_info(self, ts) -> dict:
"""Retrieve and store information of a specific Image rev. of FilePage.
This function will load also metadata.
It is also used as a helper in FileInfo to load metadata lazily.
.. versionadded:: 8.6
:param ts: timestamp of the Image rev. to retrieve
:return: instance of FileInfo()
self.site.loadimageinfo(self, history=False, timestamp=ts)
return self._file_revisions[ts]
def get_file_history(self) -> dict:
"""Return the file's version history.
:return: dictionary with:
key: timestamp of the entry
value: instance of FileInfo()
if not self._file_revisions:
self.site.loadimageinfo(self, history=True)
return self._file_revisions
def getImagePageHtml(self) -> str: # noqa: N802
"""Download the file page, and return the HTML, as a string.
Caches the HTML code, so that if you run this method twice on the
same FilePage object, the page will only be downloaded once.
if not hasattr(self, '_imagePageHtml'):
path = (f'{self.site.scriptpath()}/index.php?'
self._imagePageHtml = http.request(self.site, path).text
return self._imagePageHtml
def get_file_url(self,
url_width: int | None = None,
url_height: int | None = None,
url_param: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Return the url or the thumburl of the file described on this page.
Fetch the information if not available.
Once retrieved, file information will also be accessible as
:attr:`latest_file_info` attributes, named as in :api:`Imageinfo`.
If *url_width*, *url_height* or *url_param* is given, additional
properties ``thumbwidth``, ``thumbheight``, ``thumburl`` and
``responsiveUrls`` are provided.
.. note:: Parameters validation and error handling left to the
API call.
.. seealso::
* :meth:`APISite.loadimageinfo()
* :api:`Imageinfo`
:param url_width: get info for a thumbnail with given width
:param url_height: get info for a thumbnail with given height
:param url_param: get info for a thumbnail with given param
:return: latest file url or thumburl
# Plain url is requested.
if url_width is None and url_height is None and url_param is None:
return self.latest_file_info.url
# Thumburl is requested.
self.site.loadimageinfo(self, history=not self._file_revisions,
url_width=url_width, url_height=url_height,
return self.latest_file_info.thumburl
def file_is_shared(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the file is stored on any known shared repository.
.. versionchanged:: 7.0
return False if file does not exist on shared image repository
instead raising NoPageError.
# as of now, the only known repositories are commons and wikitravel
# TODO: put the URLs to family file
if not self.site.has_image_repository:
return False
info = self.latest_file_info
except NoPageError:
return False
if 'wikitravel_shared' in self.site.shared_image_repository():
return info.url.startswith('https://wikitravel.org/upload/shared/')
# default to commons
return info.url.startswith(
def getFileVersionHistoryTable(self) -> str: # noqa: N802
"""Return the version history in the form of a wiki table."""
lines = []
for info in self.get_file_history().values():
dimension = '{width}×{height} px ({size} bytes)'.format(
lines.append('| {timestamp} || {user} || {dimension} |'
'| <nowiki>{comment}</nowiki>'
.format(dimension=dimension, **info.__dict__))
return ('{| class="wikitable"\n'
'! {{int:filehist-datetime}} || {{int:filehist-user}} |'
'| {{int:filehist-dimensions}} || {{int:filehist-comment}}\n'
'|-\n%s\n|}\n' % '\n|-\n'.join(lines))
def using_pages(self, **kwargs):
"""Yield Pages on which the file is displayed.
For parameters refer
Usage example:
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:test')
>>> file = pywikibot.FilePage(site, 'Pywikibot MW gear icon.svg')
>>> used = list(file.using_pages(total=10))
>>> len(used)
>>> used[0].title()
.. seealso:: :meth:`globalusage`
.. versionchanged:: 7.2
all parameters from :meth:`APISite.imageusage()
are available.
.. versionchanged:: 7.4
renamed from :meth:`usingPages`.
return self.site.imageusage(self, **kwargs)
def file_is_used(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the file is used at this site.
.. versionadded:: 7.1
return bool(list(self.using_pages(total=1)))
def upload(self, source: str, **kwargs) -> bool:
"""Upload this file to the wiki.
keyword arguments are from site.upload() method.
:param source: Path or URL to the file to be uploaded.
:keyword comment: Edit summary; if this is not provided, then
filepage.text will be used. An empty summary is not
permitted. This may also serve as the initial page text (see
:keyword text: Initial page text; if this is not set, then
filepage.text will be used, or comment.
:keyword watch: If true, add filepage to the bot user's
:keyword ignore_warnings: It may be a static boolean, a callable
returning a boolean or an iterable. The callable gets a list
of UploadError instances and the iterable should contain the
warning codes for which an equivalent callable would return
True if all UploadError codes are in that list. If the
result is False it'll not continue uploading the file and
otherwise disable any warning and reattempt to upload the
.. note:: NOTE: If report_success is True or None it'll
raise an UploadError exception if the static boolean is
:type ignore_warnings: bool or callable or iterable of str
:keyword chunk_size: The chunk size in bytesfor chunked
uploading (see :api:`Upload#Chunked_uploading`). It will
only upload in chunks, if the chunk size is positive but
lower than the file size.
:type chunk_size: int
:keyword report_success: If the upload was successful it'll
print a success message and if ignore_warnings is set to
False it'll raise an UploadError if a warning occurred. If
it's None (default) it'll be True if ignore_warnings is a
bool and False otherwise. If it's True or None
ignore_warnings must be a bool.
:return: It returns True if the upload was successful and False
filename = url = None
if '://' in source:
url = source
filename = source
return self.site.upload(self, source_filename=filename, source_url=url,
def download(self,
filename: str | PathLike | Iterable[str] | None = None,
chunk_size: int = 100 * 1024,
revision: FileInfo | None = None, *,
url_width: int | None = None,
url_height: int | None = None,
url_param: str | None = None) -> bool:
"""Download to filename file of FilePage.
**Usage examples:**
Download an image:
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:test')
>>> file = pywikibot.FilePage(site, 'Pywikibot MW gear icon.svg')
>>> file.download()
Pywikibot_MW_gear_icon.svg was downloaded.
Download a thumbnail:
>>> file.download(url_param='120px')
The suffix has changed and Pywikibot_MW_gear_icon.png was
.. versionadded:: 8.2
*url_width*, *url_height* and *url_param* parameters.
.. versionchanged:: 8.2
*filename* argument may be also a path-like object or an
iterable of path segments.
.. note:: filename suffix is adjusted if target url's suffix is
different which may be the case if a thumbnail is loaded.
.. warning:: If a file already exists, it will be overridden
without further notes.
.. seealso:: :api:`Imageinfo` for new parameters
:param filename: filename where to save file. If ``None``,
``self.title(as_filename=True, with_ns=False)`` will be used.
If an Iterable is specified the items will be used as path
segments. To specify the user directory path you have to use
either ``~`` or ``~user`` as first path segment e.g. ``~/foo``
or ``('~', 'foo')`` as filename. If only the user directory
specifier is given, the title is used as filename like for
None. If the suffix is missing or different from url (which
can happen if a *url_width*, *url_height* or *url_param*
argument is given), the file suffix is adjusted.
:param chunk_size: the size of each chunk to be received and
written to file.
:param revision: file revision to download. If None
:attr:`latest_file_info` will be used; otherwise provided
revision will be used.
:param url_width: download thumbnail with given width
:param url_height: download thumbnail with given height
:param url_param: download thumbnail with given param
:return: True if download is successful, False otherwise.
:raise IOError: if filename cannot be written for any reason.
if not filename:
path = Path()
elif isinstance(filename, (str, PathLike)):
path = Path(filename)
path = Path(*filename)
if path.stem in ('', '~', '~user'):
path = path / self.title(as_filename=True, with_ns=False)
thumb = bool(url_width or url_height or url_param)
if thumb or revision is None:
url = self.get_file_url(url_width, url_height, url_param)
revision = self.latest_file_info
url = revision.url
# adjust suffix
path = path.with_suffix(Path(urlparse(url).path).suffix)
# adjust user path
path = path.expanduser()
req = http.fetch(url, stream=True)
if req.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size):
return thumb or compute_file_hash(path) == revision.sha1
f'Unsuccessful request ({req.status_code}): {req.url}')
return False
def globalusage(self, total=None):
"""Iterate all global usage for this page.
.. seealso:: :meth:`using_pages`
:param total: iterate no more than this number of pages in total
:return: a generator that yields Pages also on sites different from
:rtype: generator
return self.site.globalusage(self, total=total)
def data_item(self):
"""Function to get the associated Wikibase item of the file.
If WikibaseMediaInfo extension is available (e.g., on Commons),
the method returns the associated mediainfo entity. Otherwise,
it falls back to the behavior of :meth:`BasePage.data_item`.
.. versionadded:: 6.5
:rtype: pywikibot.page.WikibaseEntity
if self.site.has_extension('WikibaseMediaInfo'):
if not hasattr(self, '_item'):
self._item = pywikibot.MediaInfo(self.site)
self._item._file = self
return self._item
return super().data_item()
class FileInfo:
"""A structure holding imageinfo of latest rev. of FilePage.
All keys of API imageinfo dictionary are mapped to FileInfo attributes.
Attributes can be retrieved both as self['key'] or self.key.
Following attributes will be returned:
- timestamp, user, comment, url, size, sha1, mime, metadata (lazily)
- archivename (not for latest revision)
see :meth:`Site.loadimageinfo()
<pywikibot.site._apisite.APISite.loadimageinfo>` for details.
.. note:: timestamp will be casted to :func:`pywikibot.Timestamp`.
.. versionchanged:: 7.7
raises KeyError instead of AttributeError if FileInfo is used as
.. versionchanged:: 8.6
Metadata are loaded lazily.
Added *filepage* parameter.
def __init__(self, file_revision, filepage) -> None:
"""Initiate the class using the dict from ``APISite.loadimageinfo``."""
self.filepage = filepage
self._metadata = None
def update(self, file_revision):
"""Update FileInfo with new values.
.. versionadded:: 8.6
for k, v in file_revision.items():
if k == 'timestamp':
v = pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(v)
setattr(self, k, v)
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Give access to class values by key."""
result = getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError as e:
raise KeyError(str(e).replace('attribute', 'key')) from None
return result
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return a more complete string representation."""
return repr(self.__dict__)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Test if two FileInfo objects are equal."""
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def metadata(self):
"""Return metadata.
.. versionadded:: 8.6
if self._metadata is None:
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, value):
"""Set metadata.
.. versionadded:: 8.6
self._metadata = value