Source code for

"""Object representing a Wiki user."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2009-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import pywikibot
from pywikibot.backports import Generator
from pywikibot.exceptions import (
from import Link
from import Page
from import Revision
from import is_ip_address, is_ip_network

__all__ = ('User', )

[docs] class User(Page): """A class that represents a Wiki user. This class also represents the Wiki page User:<username> """ def __init__(self, source, title: str = '') -> None: """Initializer for a User object. All parameters are the same as for Page() Initializer. """ self._isAutoblock = True if title.startswith('#'): title = title[1:] elif ':#' in title: title = title.replace(':#', ':') else: self._isAutoblock = False super().__init__(source, title, ns=2) if self.namespace() != 2: raise ValueError(f"'{self.title()}' is not in the user namespace!") if self._isAutoblock: # This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting # an autoblock. 'This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.') @property def username(self) -> str: """The username. Convenience method that returns the title of the page with namespace prefix omitted, which is the username. """ if self._isAutoblock: return '#' + self.title(with_ns=False) return self.title(with_ns=False)
[docs] def isRegistered(self, force: bool = False) -> bool: # noqa: N802 """Determine if the user is registered on the site. It is possible to have a page named User:xyz and not have a corresponding user with username xyz. The page does not need to exist for this method to return True. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ # T135828: the registration timestamp may be None but the key exists return (not self.isAnonymous() and 'registration' in self.getprops(force))
[docs] def isAnonymous(self) -> bool: # noqa: N802 """Determine if the user is editing as an IP address.""" return is_ip_address(self.username)
[docs] def is_CIDR(self) -> bool: # noqa: N802 """Determine if the input refers to a range of IP addresses.""" return is_ip_network(self.username)
[docs] def getprops(self, force: bool = False) -> dict: """Return a properties about the user. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ if force and hasattr(self, '_userprops'): del self._userprops if not hasattr(self, '_userprops'): self._userprops = list([self.username]))[0] if self.isAnonymous() or self.is_CIDR(): r = list(, total=1)) if r: self._userprops['blockedby'] = r[0]['by'] self._userprops['blockreason'] = r[0]['reason'] return self._userprops
[docs] def registration(self, force: bool = False) -> pywikibot.Timestamp | None: """Fetch registration date for this user. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ if not self.isAnonymous(): reg = self.getprops(force).get('registration') if reg: return pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(reg) return None
[docs] def editCount(self, force: bool = False) -> int: # noqa: N802 """Return edit count for a registered user. Always returns 0 for 'anonymous' users. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ return self.getprops(force).get('editcount', 0)
[docs] def is_blocked(self, force: bool = False) -> bool: """Determine whether the user is currently blocked. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 renamed from :meth:`isBlocked` method, can also detect range blocks. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ return 'blockedby' in self.getprops(force)
[docs] def is_locked(self, force: bool = False) -> bool: """Determine whether the user is currently locked globally. .. versionadded:: 7.0 :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ return, force)
[docs] def isEmailable(self, force: bool = False) -> bool: # noqa: N802 """Determine whether emails may be send to this user through MediaWiki. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API """ return not self.isAnonymous() and 'emailable' in self.getprops(force)
[docs] def groups(self, force: bool = False) -> list: """Return a list of groups to which this user belongs. The list of groups may be empty. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API :return: groups property """ return self.getprops(force).get('groups', [])
[docs] def gender(self, force: bool = False) -> str: """Return the gender of the user. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API :return: return 'male', 'female', or 'unknown' """ if self.isAnonymous(): return 'unknown' return self.getprops(force).get('gender', 'unknown')
[docs] def rights(self, force: bool = False) -> list: """Return user rights. :param force: if True, forces reloading the data from API :return: return user rights """ return self.getprops(force).get('rights', [])
[docs] def getUserPage(self, subpage: str = '') -> Page: # noqa: N802 """Return a Page object relative to this user's main page. :param subpage: subpage part to be appended to the main page title (optional) :return: Page object of user page or user subpage """ if self._isAutoblock: # This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting # an autoblock, so has no user pages per se. raise AutoblockUserError( 'This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.') if subpage: subpage = '/' + subpage return Page(Link(self.title() + subpage,
[docs] def getUserTalkPage(self, subpage: str = '') -> Page: # noqa: N802 """Return a Page object relative to this user's main talk page. :param subpage: subpage part to be appended to the main talk page title (optional) :return: Page object of user talk page or user talk subpage """ if self._isAutoblock: # This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting # an autoblock, so has no user talk pages per se. raise AutoblockUserError( 'This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.') if subpage: subpage = '/' + subpage return Page(Link(self.username + subpage,, default_namespace=3))
[docs] def send_email(self, subject: str, text: str, ccme: bool = False) -> bool: """Send an email to this user via MediaWiki's email interface. :param subject: the subject header of the mail :param text: mail body :param ccme: if True, sends a copy of this email to the bot :raises NotEmailableError: the user of this User is not emailable :raises UserRightsError: logged in user does not have 'sendemail' right :return: operation successful indicator """ if not self.isEmailable(): raise NotEmailableError(self) if not'sendemail'): raise UserRightsError("You don't have permission to send mail") params = { 'action': 'emailuser', 'target': self.username, 'token':['csrf'], 'subject': subject, 'text': text, } if ccme: params['ccme'] = 1 mailrequest =**params) maildata = mailrequest.submit() return ('emailuser' in maildata and maildata['emailuser']['result'] == 'Success')
[docs] def block(self, *args, **kwargs): """Block user. Refer :py:obj:`APISite.blockuser` method for parameters. :return: None """ try:, *args, **kwargs) except APIError as err: if err.code == 'invalidrange': raise ValueError(f'{self.username} is not a valid IP range.') raise
[docs] def unblock(self, reason: str | None = None) -> None: """Remove the block for the user. :param reason: Reason for the unblock. """, reason)
[docs] def logevents(self, **kwargs): """Yield user activities. :keyword logtype: only iterate entries of this type (see mediawiki api documentation for available types) :type logtype: str :keyword page: only iterate entries affecting this page :type page: Page or str :keyword namespace: namespace to retrieve logevents from :type namespace: int or Namespace :keyword start: only iterate entries from and after this Timestamp :type start: Timestamp or ISO date string :keyword end: only iterate entries up to and through this Timestamp :type end: Timestamp or ISO date string :keyword reverse: if True, iterate oldest entries first (default: newest) :type reverse: bool :keyword tag: only iterate entries tagged with this tag :type tag: str :keyword total: maximum number of events to iterate :type total: int :rtype: iterable """ return, **kwargs)
@property def last_event(self): """Return last user activity. :return: last user log entry :rtype: LogEntry or None """ return next(self.logevents(total=1), None)
[docs] def contributions( self, total: int | None = 500, **kwargs ) -> Generator[ tuple[Page, int, pywikibot.Timestamp, str | None], None, None ]: """Yield tuples describing this user edits. Each tuple is composed of a pywikibot.Page object, the revision id, the edit timestamp and the comment. Pages returned are not guaranteed to be unique. Example: >>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:test') >>> user = pywikibot.User(site, 'pywikibot-test') >>> contrib = next(user.contributions(reverse=True)) >>> len(contrib) 4 >>> contrib[0].title() 'User:John Vandenberg/appendtext test' >>> contrib[1] 504588 >>> str(contrib[2]) '2022-03-04T17:36:02Z' >>> contrib[3] '' .. seealso:: :meth:`Site.usercontribs() <>` :param total: limit result to this number of pages :keyword start: Iterate contributions starting at this Timestamp :keyword end: Iterate contributions ending at this Timestamp :keyword reverse: Iterate oldest contributions first (default: newest) :keyword namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :type namespaces: iterable of str or Namespace key, or a single instance of those types. May be a '|' separated list of namespace identifiers. :keyword showMinor: if True, iterate only minor edits; if False and not None, iterate only non-minor edits (default: iterate both) :keyword top_only: if True, iterate only edits which are the latest revision (default: False) :return: tuple of pywikibot.Page, revid, pywikibot.Timestamp, comment """ for contrib in user=self.username, total=total, **kwargs): ts = pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(contrib['timestamp']) yield (Page(, contrib['title'], contrib['ns']), contrib['revid'], ts, contrib.get('comment'))
@property def first_edit( self ) -> tuple[Page, int, pywikibot.Timestamp, str | None] | None: """Return first user contribution. :return: first user contribution entry :return: tuple of pywikibot.Page, revid, pywikibot.Timestamp, comment """ return next(self.contributions(reverse=True, total=1), None) @property def last_edit( self ) -> tuple[Page, int, pywikibot.Timestamp, str | None] | None: """Return last user contribution. :return: last user contribution entry :return: tuple of pywikibot.Page, revid, pywikibot.Timestamp, comment """ return next(self.contributions(total=1), None)
[docs] def deleted_contributions( self, *, total: int | None = 500, **kwargs, ) -> Generator[tuple[Page, Revision], None, None]: """Yield tuples describing this user's deleted edits. .. versionadded:: 5.5 :param total: Limit results to this number of pages :keyword start: Iterate contributions starting at this Timestamp :keyword end: Iterate contributions ending at this Timestamp :keyword reverse: Iterate oldest contributions first (default: newest) :keyword namespaces: Only iterate pages in these namespaces """ for data in, total=total, **kwargs): page = Page(, data['title'], data['ns']) for contrib in data['revisions']: yield page, Revision(**contrib)
[docs] def uploadedImages(self, total: int = 10): # noqa: N802 """Yield tuples describing files uploaded by this user. Each tuple is composed of a pywikibot.Page, the timestamp (str in ISO8601 format), comment (str) and a bool for pageid > 0. Pages returned are not guaranteed to be unique. :param total: limit result to this number of pages """ if not self.isRegistered(): return for item in self.logevents(logtype='upload', total=total): yield (, str(item.timestamp()), item.comment(), item.pageid() > 0)
@property def is_thankable(self) -> bool: """Determine if the user has thanks notifications enabled. .. note:: This doesn't accurately determine if thanks is enabled for user. Privacy of thanks preferences is under discussion, please see :phab:`T57401#2216861` and :phab:`T120753#1863894`. """ return self.isRegistered() and 'bot' not in self.groups()
[docs] def renamed_target(self) -> User: """Return a User object for the target this user was renamed to. If this user was not renamed, it will raise a :exc:`NoRenameTargetError`. **Usage:** >>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:de') >>> user = pywikibot.User(site, 'Foo') >>> user.isRegistered() False >>> target = user.renamed_target() >>> target.isRegistered() True >>> target.title(with_ns=False) 'Foo~dewiki' >>> target.renamed_target() Traceback (most recent call last): ... pywikibot.exceptions.NoRenameTargetError: Rename target user ... .. seealso:: * :meth:`BasePage.moved_target` * :meth:`BasePage.getRedirectTarget` .. versionadded:: 9.4 :raises NoRenameTargetError: user was not renamed """ gen = iter('renameuser', page=self, total=1)) try: renamed = next(gen) except StopIteration: raise NoRenameTargetError(self) return User(, renamed.params['newuser'])