Source code for tests.category_bot_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for the category bot script."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2015-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import unittest
from contextlib import suppress
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

import pywikibot
from import BaseSite
from scripts.category import CategoryMoveRobot, CategoryPreprocess
from tests.aspects import DefaultSiteTestCase, TestCase

MOCKED_USERNAME = Mock(return_value='FakeUsername')

# Temporarily set a username to circumvent NoUsernameError; T161692
[docs] @patch.object(BaseSite, 'username', new=MOCKED_USERNAME) class CfdActions(DefaultSiteTestCase): """Test CFD (Categories for deletion) actions."""
[docs] def test_strip_cfd_templates_does_nothing_when_no_templates(self): """Test when the're no CFD templates, the page text is not changed.""" bot = CategoryMoveRobot(oldcat='Old', newcat='New') bot.newcat.text = 'Nothing should change.\n\nAnother line.' bot._strip_cfd_templates(commit=False) self.assertEqual(bot.newcat.text, 'Nothing should change.\n\nAnother line.')
[docs] def test_strip_cfd_templates_with_spaces_in_comments(self): """Test CFD templates with spaces in the syntax are removed.""" self._runtest_strip_cfd_templates('<!-- BEGIN CFD TEMPLATE -->', '<!-- END CFD TEMPLATE -->')
[docs] def test_strip_cfd_templates_without_spaces_in_comments(self): """Test CFD templates without spaces in the syntax are removed.""" self._runtest_strip_cfd_templates('<!--BEGIN CFD TEMPLATE-->', '<!--END CFD TEMPLATE-->')
def _runtest_strip_cfd_templates(self, template_start, template_end): """Run a CFD template stripping test, given CFD start/end templates.""" bot = CategoryMoveRobot(oldcat='Old', newcat='New') bot.newcat.text = '\n'.join(( 'Preamble', template_start, 'Random text inside template', 'Even another template: {{cfr-speedy}}', template_end, 'Footer stuff afterwards', '', '[[Category:Should remain]]' )) expected = '\n'.join(( 'Preamble', 'Footer stuff afterwards', '', '[[Category:Should remain]]' )) bot._strip_cfd_templates(commit=False) self.assertEqual(bot.newcat.text, expected)
[docs] class TestPreprocessingCategory(TestCase): """Test determining template or type categorization target.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en'
[docs] def test_determine_type_target(self): """Test determining type target.""" page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Doc') bot = CategoryPreprocess(follow_redirects=True) = new_page = bot.determine_type_target(page) expected = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Documentation') self.assertEqual(new_page, expected) page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Doc') bot = CategoryPreprocess() = new_page = bot.determine_type_target(page) self.assertIsNone(new_page) page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Baz') bot = CategoryPreprocess() = new_page = bot.determine_type_target(page) self.assertIsNone(new_page)
[docs] def test_determine_template_target(self): """Test determining template target.""" page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Documentation') bot = CategoryPreprocess() = new_page = bot.determine_template_target(page) expected = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Documentation/doc') self.assertEqual(new_page, expected) self.assertEqual(bot.includeonly, ['includeonly']) page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Branches of chemistry') bot = CategoryPreprocess() = new_page = bot.determine_template_target(page) expected = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:Branches of chemistry') self.assertEqual(new_page, expected) self.assertEqual(bot.includeonly, [])
if __name__ == '__main__': with suppress(SystemExit): unittest.main()