Source code for tests.proofreadpage_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for the proofreadpage module."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2015-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import difflib
import json
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress

import pywikibot
from import api
from pywikibot.exceptions import UnknownExtensionError
from pywikibot.proofreadpage import (
from tests.aspects import TestCase, require_modules
from tests.basepage import (

[docs] class TestPagesTagParser(TestCase): """Test TagAttr class.""" net = False
[docs] def test_tag_attr_int(self): """Test TagAttr for int values.""" attr = TagAttr('to', 3) self.assertEqual(repr(attr), "TagAttr('to', 3)") self.assertEqual(str(attr), 'to=3') self.assertEqual(attr.attr, 'to') self.assertEqual(attr.value, 3)
[docs] def test_tag_attr_srt_int(self): """Test TagAttr for str values that can be converted to int.""" attr = TagAttr('to', '3') self.assertEqual(repr(attr), "TagAttr('to', '3')") self.assertEqual(str(attr), 'to=3') self.assertEqual(attr.attr, 'to') self.assertEqual(attr.value, 3) attr.value = '"3"' self.assertEqual(str(attr), 'to="3"') self.assertEqual(repr(attr), """TagAttr('to', '"3"')""") self.assertEqual(attr.value, 3)
[docs] def test_tag_attr_str(self): """Test TagAttr for str value.""" attr = TagAttr('fromsection', 'A123') self.assertEqual(repr(attr), "TagAttr('fromsection', 'A123')") self.assertEqual(str(attr), 'fromsection=A123') self.assertEqual(attr.attr, 'fromsection') self.assertEqual(attr.value, 'A123') attr.value = '"A123"' self.assertEqual(repr(attr), """TagAttr('fromsection', '"A123"')""") self.assertEqual(str(attr), 'fromsection="A123"') self.assertEqual(attr.value, 'A123') attr.value = "'A123'" self.assertEqual(repr(attr), """TagAttr('fromsection', "'A123'")""") self.assertEqual(str(attr), "fromsection='A123'") self.assertEqual(attr.value, 'A123')
[docs] def test_tag_attr_exceptions(self): """Test TagAttr for Exceptions.""" self.assertRaises(ValueError, TagAttr, 'fromsection', 'A123"') self.assertRaises(TypeError, TagAttr, 'fromsection', 3.0)
[docs] def test_pages_tag_parser(self): """Test PagesTagParser.""" tp = PagesTagParser('Text: <pages />') self.assertEqual(repr(tp), "PagesTagParser('<pages />')") text = 'Text: <pages from="first" to="last" />' tp = PagesTagParser(text) self.assertEqual( repr(tp), """PagesTagParser('<pages from="first" to="last" />')""") self.assertEqual(tp.ffrom, 'first') self.assertEqual(, 'last') tp.index = '"Index.pdf"' self.assertEqual(tp.index, 'Index.pdf') tp.ffrom, = 1, '"3"' self.assertEqual(tp.ffrom, 1) self.assertEqual(, 3) self.assertEqual(str(tp), '<pages index="Index.pdf" from=1 to="3" />') del tp.index self.assertNotIn('index', tp) = "'3'" self.assertEqual(str(tp), """<pages from=1 to='3' />""") tp.step = 3 self.assertEqual(str(tp), """<pages from=1 to='3' step=3 />""") self.assertIn('step', tp)
[docs] def test_pages_tag_parser_exceptions(self): """Test PagesTagParser Exceptions.""" text = """Text: <pages index="Index.pdf />""" self.assertRaises(ValueError, PagesTagParser, text) text = """Text: <pages index="Index.pdf' />""" self.assertRaises(ValueError, PagesTagParser, text) text = """Text: <pages index="Index.pdf from=C" />""" self.assertRaises(ValueError, PagesTagParser, text)
[docs] class TestProofreadPageInvalidSite(TestCase): """Test ProofreadPage class.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en' cached = True
[docs] def test_invalid_site_source(self): """Test ProofreadPage from invalid Site as source.""" with self.assertRaises(UnknownExtensionError): ProofreadPage(, 'title')
[docs] class TestBasePageMethodsProofreadPage(BasePageMethodsTestBase): """Test behavior of ProofreadPage methods inherited from BasePage.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en'
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up test case.""" self._page = ProofreadPage(, 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/12') super().setUp()
[docs] def test_basepage_methods(self): """Test ProofreadPage methods inherited from superclass BasePage.""" self._test_invoke() self._test_return_datatypes()
[docs] class TestLoadRevisionsCachingProofreadPage( BasePageLoadRevisionsCachingTestBase): """Test site.loadrevisions() caching.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en'
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up test case.""" self._page = ProofreadPage(, 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/12') super().setUp()
[docs] def test_page_text(self): """Test site.loadrevisions() with Page.text.""" self._test_page_text()
@property def custom_text(self): """Return a dummy text for testing.""" cls_pagetext, div = TestProofreadPageValidSite.class_pagetext_fmt[True] return TestProofreadPageValidSite.fmt.format(, class_pagetext=cls_pagetext, references='<references/>', div_end=div)
[docs] class TestProofreadPageParseTitle(TestCase): """Test ProofreadPage._parse_title() function.""" cached = True # Use sites to run parametrized tests. sites = { '1': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test.djvu/12', 'tuple': ('Test.djvu', 'djvu', 12), }, '2': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test djvu/12', 'tuple': ('Test djvu', '', 12), }, '3': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test.jpg/12', 'tuple': ('Test.jpg', 'jpg', 12), }, '4': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test jpg/12', 'tuple': ('Test jpg', '', 12), }, '5': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test.jpg', 'tuple': ('Test.jpg', 'jpg', None), }, '6': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'title': 'Page:Test jpg', 'tuple': ('Test jpg', '', None), }, } def test_parse_title(self, key): """Test ProofreadPage_parse_title() function.""" data = self.sites[key] title = data['title'] base, base_ext, num = data['tuple'] page = ProofreadPage(, title) self.assertEqual(page._base, base) self.assertEqual(page._base_ext, base_ext) self.assertEqual(page._num, num)
[docs] class TestProofreadPageValidSite(TestCase): """Test ProofreadPage class.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' cached = True valid = { 'title': 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/12', 'index': 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu', 'ql': 4, 'user': 'T. Mazzei', 'header': "{{rh|2|''THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY.''}}", 'footer': '\n{{smallrefs}}', 'url_image': ('' 'thumb/a/ac/Popular_Science_Monthly_Volume_1.djvu/' 'page12-2267px-Popular_Science_Monthly_Volume_1.djvu' '.jpg'), } valid_redlink = { 'title': 'Page:Pywikibot test page 3.jpg', 'url_image': ('' 'Pywikibot_test_page_3.jpg'), } existing_invalid = { 'title': 'Main Page', } existing_unlinked = { 'title': 'Page:Pywikibot unlinked test page', } not_existing_invalid = { 'title': 'User:cannot_exists', 'title1': 'User:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/12' } div_in_footer = { 'title': 'Page:Pywikibot unlinked test page', } class_pagetext_fmt = { True: ('<div class="pagetext">\n\n\n', '</div>'), False: ('', ''), } fmt = ('<noinclude><pagequality level="1" user="{user}" />' '{class_pagetext}</noinclude>' '<noinclude>{references}{div_end}</noinclude>')
[docs] def test_valid_site_source(self): """Test ProofreadPage from valid Site as source.""" page = ProofreadPage(, 'Page:dummy test page') self.assertEqual(page.namespace(),
[docs] def test_invalid_existing_page_source(self): """Test ProofreadPage from invalid existing Page as source.""" source = pywikibot.Page(, self.existing_invalid['title']) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ProofreadPage(source)
[docs] def test_invalid_not_existing_page_source(self): """Test ProofreadPage from invalid not existing Page as source.""" # namespace is forced source = pywikibot.Page(, self.not_existing_invalid['title']) fixed_source = pywikibot.Page(, source.title(with_ns=False), page = ProofreadPage(fixed_source) self.assertEqual(page.title(), fixed_source.title())
[docs] def test_invalid_not_existing_page_source_wrong_ns(self): """Test ProofreadPage from Page not existing in non-Page ns.""" source = pywikibot.Page(, self.not_existing_invalid['title1']) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ProofreadPage(source)
[docs] def test_valid_parsing(self): """Test ProofreadPage page parsing functions.""" page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid['title']) self.assertEqual(page.ql, self.valid['ql']) self.assertEqual(page.user, self.valid['user']) self.assertEqual(page.header, self.valid['header']) self.assertEqual(page.footer, self.valid['footer'])
[docs] def test_decompose_recompose_text(self): """Test ProofreadPage page decomposing/composing text.""" page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid['title']) plain_text = pywikibot.Page(, self.valid['title']).text assert page.text self.assertEqual(plain_text, page.text)
[docs] def test_preload_from_not_existing_page(self): """Test ProofreadPage page decomposing/composing text.""" page = ProofreadPage(, 'Page:dummy test page') # Fetch page text to instantiate page._full_header, in order to allow # for proper test result preparation. page.text class_pagetext, div = self.class_pagetext_fmt[ page._full_header._has_div] self.assertEqual(page.text, self.fmt.format(, class_pagetext=class_pagetext, references='<references/>', div_end=div))
[docs] def test_preload_from_empty_text(self): """Test ProofreadPage page decomposing/composing text.""" page = ProofreadPage(, 'Page:dummy test page') page.text = '' class_pagetext, div = self.class_pagetext_fmt[ page._full_header._has_div] self.assertEqual(page.text, self.fmt.format(, class_pagetext=class_pagetext, references='', div_end=div))
[docs] def test_json_format(self): """Test conversion to json format.""" page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid['title']) rvargs = {'rvprop': 'ids|flags|timestamp|user|comment|content', 'rvcontentformat': 'application/json', 'titles': page, } rvgen =, type_arg='info|revisions', total=1, **rvargs) rvgen.set_maximum_items(-1) # suppress use of rvlimit parameter loaded_text = '' with suppress(LookupError, StopIteration, TypeError, ValueError): pagedict = next(rvgen) loaded_text = pagedict.get('revisions')[0].get('*') page_text = page._page_to_json() self.assertEqual(json.loads(page_text), json.loads(loaded_text))
[docs] @require_modules('bs4') def test_url_image(self): """Test fetching of url image of the scan of ProofreadPage.""" page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid['title']) self.assertEqual(page.url_image, self.valid['url_image']) page = ProofreadPage(, self.existing_unlinked['title']) # test Exception in property. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): page.url_image page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid_redlink['title']) self.assertEqual(page.url_image, self.valid_redlink['url_image'])
[docs] class TestPageQuality(TestCase): """Test page quality.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' cached = True
[docs] def test_applicable_quality_level(self): """Test Page.quality_level when applicable.""" site = self.get_site() title = 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 49.djvu/1' page = ProofreadPage(site, title) self.assertEqual(page.content_model, 'proofread-page') self.assertEqual(page.quality_level, 0)
[docs] class BS4TestCase(TestCase): """Run tests which needs bs4 beeing installed."""
[docs] @classmethod @require_modules('bs4') def setUpClass(cls): """Check whether bs4 module is installed already.""" super().setUpClass()
[docs] class TestPageOCR(BS4TestCase): """Test page ocr functions.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' cached = True data = {'title': 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/10', 'hocr': (False, 'ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the ' 'year 1872,\nBY D. APPLETON & CO.,\nIn the Office ' 'of the Librarian of Congress, at ' 'Washington.\n\n'), 'ocr': (False, 'EsTEnen, according to Act of Congress, in the ' 'year 1872,\nBy D. APPLETON & CO.,\nIn the ' 'Office of the Librarian of Congress, at ' 'Washington.\n\u000c'), 'wmfOCR': (False, 'Estee, according to Act of Congress, in the ' 'year 1872,\n' 'By D. APPLETON & CO.,\n' 'In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, ' 'at Washington.'), 'googleOCR': (False, 'ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in ' 'the year 1572,\nBY D. APPLETON & CO.\n' 'In the Office of the Librarian of ' 'Congress, at Washington.\n4 334\n'), }
[docs] def setUp(self): """Test setUp.""" site = self.get_site() title =['title'] = ProofreadPage(site, title) super().setUp()
[docs] def test_ocr_exceptions(self): """Test page.ocr() exceptions.""" with self.assertRaises(TypeError):'dummy')
[docs] def test_do_hocr(self): """Test page._do_hocr().""" error, text = if error: self.skipTest(text) ref_error, ref_text =['hocr'] self.assertEqual(error, ref_error) s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text, ref_text) self.assertGreater(s.ratio(), 0.9)
[docs] def test_do_ocr_phetools(self): """Test page._do_ocr(ocr_tool='phetools').""" error, text ='phetools') ref_error, ref_text =['ocr'] if error: self.skipTest(text) self.assertEqual(error, ref_error) s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text, ref_text) self.assertGreater(s.ratio(), 0.9)
[docs] def test_do_ocr_wmfocr(self): """Test page._do_ocr(ocr_tool='wmfOCR').""" error, text ='wmfOCR') if error: self.skipTest(text) ref_error, ref_text =['wmfOCR'] self.assertEqual(error, ref_error) s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text, ref_text) self.assertGreater(s.ratio(), 0.9)
[docs] def test_do_ocr_googleocr(self): """Test page._do_ocr(ocr_tool='googleOCR').""" error, text ='googleOCR') if error: self.skipTest(text) ref_error, ref_text =['googleOCR'] self.assertEqual(error, ref_error) s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text, ref_text) self.assertGreater(s.ratio(), 0.9)
[docs] def test_ocr_wmfocr(self): """Test page.ocr(ocr_tool='wmfOCR').""" try: text ='wmfOCR') except Exception as exc: self.assertIsInstance(exc, ValueError) else: _error, ref_text =['wmfOCR'] s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text, ref_text) self.assertGreater(s.ratio(), 0.9)
[docs] class TestProofreadPageIndexProperty(BS4TestCase): """Test ProofreadPage index property.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' cached = True valid = { 'title': 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/12', 'index': 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu', } existing_multilinked = { 'title': 'Page:Pywikibot test page.djvu/1', 'index_1': 'Index:Pywikibot test page.djvu', 'index_2': 'Index:Pywikibot test page 2', } existing_unlinked = { 'title': 'Page:Pywikibot unlinked test page', }
[docs] def test_index(self): """Test index property.""" # Page with Index. page = ProofreadPage(, self.valid['title']) index_page = IndexPage(, self.valid['index']) # Test property. self.assertEqual(page.index, index_page) # Test deleter del page.index self.assertFalse(hasattr(page, '_index')) # Test setter with wrong type. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): page.index = 'invalid index' # Test setter with correct type. page.index = index_page self.assertEqual(page.index, index_page) # Page without Index. page = ProofreadPage(, self.existing_multilinked['title']) index_page_1 = IndexPage(, self.existing_multilinked['index_1']) index_page_2 = IndexPage(, self.existing_multilinked['index_2']) self.assertEqual(page.index, index_page_1) self.assertNotEqual(page.index, index_page_2) self.assertEqual(page._index, (index_page_1, [index_page_2])) # Page without Index. page = ProofreadPage(, self.existing_unlinked['title']) self.assertIsNone(page.index) self.assertEqual(page._index, (None, []))
[docs] class TestIndexPageInvalidSite(BS4TestCase): """Test IndexPage class.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en' cached = True
[docs] def test_invalid_site_source(self): """Test IndexPage from invalid Site as source.""" with self.assertRaises(UnknownExtensionError): IndexPage(, 'title')
[docs] class TestIndexPageValidSite(BS4TestCase): """Test IndexPage class.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' cached = True valid_index_title = 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu' existing_invalid_title = 'Main Page' not_existing_invalid_title = 'User:cannot_exists'
[docs] def test_valid_site_as_source(self): """Test IndexPage from valid Site as source.""" page = IndexPage(, 'Index:dummy test page') self.assertEqual(page.namespace(),
[docs] def test_invalid_existing_page_as_source(self): """Test IndexPage from invalid existing Page as source.""" source = pywikibot.Page(, self.existing_invalid_title) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): IndexPage(source)
[docs] def test_invalid_not_existing_page_as_source(self): """Test IndexPage from Page not existing in non-Page ns as source.""" source = pywikibot.Page(, self.not_existing_invalid_title) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): IndexPage(source)
[docs] class TestBasePageMethodsIndexPage(BS4TestCase, BasePageMethodsTestBase): """Test behavior of ProofreadPage methods inherited from BasePage.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en'
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up test case.""" self._page = IndexPage(, 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu') super().setUp()
[docs] def test_basepage_methods(self): """Test IndexPage methods inherited from superclass BasePage.""" self._test_invoke() self._test_return_datatypes()
[docs] class TestLoadRevisionsCachingIndexPage(BS4TestCase, BasePageLoadRevisionsCachingTestBase): """Test site.loadrevisions() caching.""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en'
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up test case.""" self._page = IndexPage(, 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu') super().setUp()
[docs] def test_page_text(self): """Test site.loadrevisions() with Page.text.""" self._test_page_text()
@property def custom_text(self): """Return a dummy text for testing.""" cls_pagetext, div = TestProofreadPageValidSite.class_pagetext_fmt[True] return TestProofreadPageValidSite.fmt.format(, class_pagetext=cls_pagetext, references='<references/>', div_end=div)
[docs] class TestIndexPageMappings(BS4TestCase): """Test IndexPage class.""" sites = { 'enws': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'en', 'index': 'Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu', 'num_pages': 804, 'page': 'Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 1.djvu/{0}', 'get_label': [11, 11, '1'], 'get_number': [[1, {11}], ['Cvr', {1, 9, 10, 804}], ], # 'get_page' is filled in setUpClass. }, 'dews': { # dews does not use page convention name/number. 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'de', 'index': 'Index:Musen-Almanach für das Jahr 1799', 'num_pages': 272, 'page': 'Seite:Schiller_Musenalmanach_1799_{0:3d}.jpg', 'get_label': [120, 120, '120'], # page no, title no, label 'get_number': [[120, {120}], ], # 'get_page' is filled in setUpClass. }, 'frws': { 'family': 'wikisource', 'code': 'fr', 'index': 'Index:Segard - Hymnes profanes, 1894.djvu', 'num_pages': 107, 'page': 'Page:Segard - Hymnes profanes, 1894.djvu/{0}', 'get_label': [11, 11, '8'], 'get_number': [[8, {11}], ['-', set(range(1, 4)) | set(range(101, 108))], ], # 'get_page' is filled in setUpClass. }, } cached = True
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Prepare get_page dataset for tests.""" super().setUpClass() for key, site_def in cls.sites.items(): site = cls.get_site(name=key) base_title = site_def['page'] # 'get_page' has same structure as 'get_number'. site_def['get_page'] = [] for label, page_numbers in site_def['get_number']: page_set = {ProofreadPage(site, base_title.format(i)) for i in page_numbers} site_def['get_page'].append([label, page_set])
def test_check_if_cached(self, key): """Test if cache is checked and loaded properly.""" data = self.sites[key] index_page = IndexPage(, self.sites[key]['index']) num, _title_num, label = data['get_label'] self.assertIs(index_page._cached, False) fetched_label = index_page.get_label_from_page_number(num) self.assertIs(index_page._cached, True) self.assertEqual(label, fetched_label) # Check if cache is refreshed. index_page._labels_from_page_number[num] = 'wrong cached value' self.assertEqual(index_page.get_label_from_page_number(num), 'wrong cached value') index_page._cached = False self.assertEqual(index_page.get_label_from_page_number(num), label) def test_num_pages(self, key): """Test num_pages property.""" index_page = IndexPage(, self.sites[key]['index']) self.assertEqual(index_page.num_pages, self.sites[key]['num_pages']) def test_get_labels(self, key): """Test IndexPage page get_label_from_* functions.""" data = self.sites[key] num, title_num, label = data['get_label'] index_page = IndexPage(, self.sites[key]['index']) page_title = self.sites[key]['page'].format(title_num) proofread_page = ProofreadPage(, page_title) # Get label from number. self.assertEqual(index_page.get_label_from_page_number(num), label) # Error if number does not exists. with self.assertRaises(KeyError): index_page.get_label_from_page_number(-1) # Get label from page. self.assertEqual(index_page.get_label_from_page(proofread_page), label) # Error if page does not exists. with self.assertRaises(KeyError): index_page.get_label_from_page(None) def test_get_page_and_number(self, key): """Test IndexPage page get_page_number functions.""" data = self.sites[key] index_page = IndexPage(, self.sites[key]['index']) # Test get_page_numbers_from_label. for label, num_set in data['get_number']: # Get set of numbers from label with label as int or str. self.assertEqual(index_page.get_page_number_from_label(label), num_set) self.assertEqual(index_page.get_page_number_from_label(str(label)), num_set) # Error if label does not exists. label, num_set = 'dummy label', [] with self.assertRaises(KeyError): index_page.get_page_number_from_label('dummy label') # Test get_page_from_label. for label, page_set in data['get_page']: # Get set of pages from label with label as int or str. self.assertEqual(index_page.get_page_from_label(label), page_set) self.assertEqual(index_page.get_page_from_label(str(label)), page_set) # Error if label does not exists. with self.assertRaises(KeyError): index_page.get_page_from_label('dummy label') # Test get_page. for n in num_set: p = index_page.get_page(n) self.assertEqual(index_page.get_number(p), n) # Test get_number. for p in page_set: n = index_page.get_number(p) self.assertEqual(index_page.get_page(n), p) def test_page_gen(self, key): """Test Index page generator.""" data = self.sites[key] num, title_num, _label = data['get_label'] index_page = IndexPage(, self.sites[key]['index']) page_title = self.sites[key]['page'].format(title_num) proofread_page = ProofreadPage(, page_title) # Check start/end limits. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): index_page.page_gen(-1, 2) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): index_page.page_gen(1, -1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): index_page.page_gen(2, 1) # Check quality filters. gen = index_page.page_gen(num, num, filter_ql=range(5)) self.assertEqual(list(gen), [proofread_page]) gen = index_page.page_gen(num, num, filter_ql=[0]) self.assertEqual(list(gen), [])
[docs] class TestIndexPageHasValidContent(BS4TestCase): """Unit tests for has_valid_content().""" family = 'wikisource' code = 'en' index_name = 'Index:Phosphor (1888).djvu' valid_template = '{{%s|foo=bar}}' % IndexPage.INDEX_TEMPLATE other_template = '{{PoTM|bar=foobar}}'
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Prepare tests by creating an IndexPage instance.""" super().setUpClass() cls.index = IndexPage(, cls.index_name)
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_empty(self): """Test empty page is invalid.""" self.index.text = '' self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_non_template(self): """Test non-template is invalid.""" self.index.text = 'foobar' self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_valid(self): """Test correct Index template is valid.""" self.index.text = self.valid_template self.assertTrue(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_prefixed(self): """Test prefixing Index template is invalid.""" self.index.text = f'pre {self.valid_template}' self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_postfixed(self): """Test postfixing Index template is invalid.""" self.index.text = f'{self.valid_template}post' self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_pre_and_postfixed(self): """Test pre- and postfixing Index template is invalid.""" self.index.text = f'pre{self.valid_template}post' self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_second_template(self): """Test postfixing a second template is invalid.""" self.index.text = self.valid_template + self.other_template self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_wrong_template(self): """Test incorrect template is invalid.""" self.index.text = self.other_template self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_missnamed_template(self): """Test nested templates is valid.""" self.index.text = '{{%s_bar|foo=bar}}' % IndexPage.INDEX_TEMPLATE self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_nested_template(self): """Test nested templates is valid.""" self.index.text = ('{{%s|foo=%s}}' % (IndexPage.INDEX_TEMPLATE, self.other_template)) self.assertTrue(self.index.has_valid_content())
[docs] def test_has_valid_content_multiple_valid(self): """Test multiple Index templates is invalid.""" self.index.text = self.valid_template * 2 self.assertFalse(self.index.has_valid_content())
if __name__ == '__main__': with suppress(SystemExit): unittest.main()