Source code for tests.redirect_bot_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for the script."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2017-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import unittest
from contextlib import suppress
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import Page, i18n
from scripts.redirect import RedirectRobot
from tests.aspects import DefaultSiteTestCase

[docs] class RedirectTestRobot(RedirectRobot): """RedirectRobot test class.""" @property def current_page(self): """Patch current_page to return any page.""" return Page(, 'Main', ns=4) @property def site(self): """Patch site to return a site object.""" return pywikibot.Site()
[docs] @patch.object(Page, 'exists', new=Mock(return_value=True)) class TestGetSDTemplateNoSysop(DefaultSiteTestCase): """Test the get_sd_template method of the RedirectRobot class."""
[docs] def test_with_delete_and_existing_sdtemplate(self): """Test with delete and existing sdtemplate.""" options = {'delete': True, 'sdtemplate': '{{t}}'} bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', **options) self.assertEqual(bot.sdtemplate, '{{t}}')
[docs] @patch.object(i18n, 'twhas_key', new=Mock(return_value=True)) @patch.object(i18n, 'twtranslate', new=Mock(return_value='{{sd_title}}')) def test_with_delete_and_i18n_sd(self): """Test with delete and i18n template.""" bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', delete=True) self.assertEqual(bot.sdtemplate, '{{sd_title}}')
[docs] @patch.object(i18n, 'twhas_key', new=Mock(return_value=False)) def test_with_delete_no_sd_no_i18n(self): """Test with delete and no i18n template.""" bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', delete=True) with patch.object(pywikibot, 'warning') as w: self.assertIsNone(bot.sdtemplate) w.assert_called_with('No speedy deletion template available.')
[docs] def test_with_delete_and_non_existing_sdtemplate(self): """Test with delete and non-exisitng sdtemplate.""" options = {'delete': True, 'sdtemplate': 'txt {{n|a}} txt'} bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', **options) with patch.object(Page, 'exists', new=Mock(return_value=False)), \ patch.object(pywikibot, 'warning') as w: self.assertIsNone(bot.sdtemplate, None) w.assert_called_with('No speedy deletion template "n" available.')
if __name__ == '__main__': with suppress(SystemExit): unittest.main()