Source code for tests.reflinks_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for reflinks script."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2014-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import unittest

from scripts.reflinks import ReferencesRobot, XmlDumpPageGenerator, main
from tests import join_xml_data_path
from tests.aspects import ScriptMainTestCase, TestCase
from tests.utils import empty_sites

[docs] class TestXMLPageGenerator(TestCase): """Test XML Page generator.""" family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en' dry = True
[docs] def test_non_bare_ref_urls(self): """Test pages without bare references are not processed.""" gen = XmlDumpPageGenerator( filename=join_xml_data_path('article-pear-0.10.xml'), start='Pear', namespaces=[0, 1], pages = list(gen) self.assertIsEmpty(pages)
[docs] def test_simple_bare_refs(self): """Test simple bare references with several namespaces options.""" namespace_variants = (None, [], [0, 1], ['0', '1']) filename = join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml') for namespaces in namespace_variants: with self.subTest(namespaces=namespaces): gen = XmlDumpPageGenerator(filename=filename, start='Fake page', namespaces=namespaces, pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ('Fake page', 'Talk:Fake page'),
[docs] def test_namespace_names(self): """Test namespaces with namespace names.""" gen = XmlDumpPageGenerator( filename=join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml'), start='Fake page', namespaces=['Talk'], pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ['Talk:Fake page'],
[docs] def test_start_variants(self): """Test with several page title options.""" start_variants = ( None, # None 'Fake', # prefix 'Fake_page', # underscore ) filename = join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml') for start in start_variants: with self.subTest(start=start): gen = XmlDumpPageGenerator(filename=filename, start=start, namespaces=[0, 1], pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ('Fake page', 'Talk:Fake page'),
[docs] class TestReferencesBotConstructor(ScriptMainTestCase): """ Test reflinks with run() removed. These tests can't verify the order of the pages in the XML as the constructor is given a preloading generator. See APISite.preloadpages for details. """ family = 'wikipedia' code = 'en'
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the script by patching the bot class.""" super().setUp() self._original_constructor = ReferencesRobot.__init__ self._original_run = ReferencesRobot.__init__ = dummy_constructor = lambda self: None
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Tear down the test by undoing the bot class patch.""" ReferencesRobot.__init__ = self._original_constructor = self._original_run with empty_sites(): super().tearDown()
[docs] def test_xml_simple(self): """Test the generator without any narrowing.""" main('-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml')) gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] self.assertPageTitlesCountEqual(gen, ['Fake page', 'Talk:Fake page'], site=self.get_site())
[docs] def test_xml_one_namespace(self): """Test the generator using one namespace id.""" main('-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml'), '-namespace:1') gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ['Talk:Fake page'], site=self.get_site())
[docs] def test_xml_multiple_namespace_ids(self): """Test the generator using multiple separate namespaces parameters.""" main('-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml'), '-namespace:0', '-namespace:1', '-xmlstart:Fake page') gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] self.assertPageTitlesCountEqual(gen, ['Fake page', 'Talk:Fake page'], site=self.get_site())
[docs] def test_xml_multiple_namespace_ids_2(self): """Test the generator using multiple namespaces in one parameter.""" main('-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml'), '-namespace:0,1', '-xmlstart:Fake page') gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] self.assertPageTitlesCountEqual(gen, ['Fake page', 'Talk:Fake page'], site=self.get_site())
[docs] def test_xml_start_variants(self): """Test the generator using variants of start page.""" start_variants = ( '-xmlstart:Fake page', # title '-xmlstart:Fake_page', # underscore '-xmlstart:Fake', # prefix ) filename = '-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml') for start in start_variants: with self.subTest(xmlstart=start), empty_sites(): main(filename, '-namespace:1', start) gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ['Talk:Fake page'],
[docs] def test_xml_namespace_name(self): """Test the generator using a namespace name.""" main('-xml:' + join_xml_data_path('dummy-reflinks.xml'), '-namespace:Talk', '-xmlstart:Fake page') gen = self.constructor_kwargs['generator'] pages = list(gen) self.assertPageTitlesEqual(pages, ['Talk:Fake page'], site=self.get_site())
[docs] def dummy_constructor(self, *args, **kwargs): """A constructor faking the actual constructor.""" TestReferencesBotConstructor.constructor_args = args TestReferencesBotConstructor.constructor_kwargs = kwargs
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()