Source code for tests.wikistats_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Test cases for the WikiStats dataset."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2014-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress

from import WikiStats
from tests.aspects import TestCase

[docs] class WikiStatsTestCase(TestCase): """Test WikiStats dump.""" net = True
[docs] def test_sort_numeric(self): """Test sorted results.""" keys = ('good', 'prefix', 'total') ws = WikiStats() data = ws.sorted('wikipedia', 'total') top = data[0] bottom = data[-1] for key in keys: with self.subTest(key=key): self.assertIn(key, top) self.assertIn(key, bottom) for key in top: self.assertIsInstance(key, (str, type(None))) self.assertIsInstance(top['good'], str) self.assertIsInstance(top['total'], str) self.assertIsInstance(bottom['good'], str) self.assertIsInstance(bottom['total'], str) self.assertGreater(int(top['total']), int(bottom['good'])) self.assertGreater(int(top['good']), int(bottom['good'])) self.assertGreater(int(top['total']), int(bottom['total']))
[docs] def test_sort_alphabetic(self): """Test alphabetic sorted results.""" ws = WikiStats() for reverse in (True, False): last = ' ~'[reverse] # first and last printable ASCII data = ws.sorted('wikisource', 'prefix', reverse=reverse) with self.subTest(reverse=reverse): for entry in data: code = entry['prefix'] if reverse: self.assertGreater(last, code) else: self.assertLess(last, code) last = code
[docs] def test_sorting_order(self): """Test sorting order of languages_by_size.""" family = 'wikipedia' ws = WikiStats() data = ws.get_dict(family) last = sys.maxsize last_code = '' for code in ws.languages_by_size(family): curr = int(data[code]['good']) self.assertGreaterEqual( last, curr, f'{code} ({curr}) is greater than {last_code} ({last}).') last = curr last_code = code
[docs] def test_wikipedia(self): """Test WikiStats wikipedia data content.""" ws = WikiStats() data = ws.get_dict('wikipedia') self.assertIsInstance(data, dict) self.assertIn('en', data) self.assertIn('ht', data) self.assertGreater(int(data['en']['total']), int(data['en']['good'])) data = data['en'] self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(key, str) for key in data.keys() if key is not None)) self.assertIsInstance(data['total'], str) self.assertIn('prefix', data) self.assertIn('total', data)
[docs] def test_wikisource(self): """Test WikiStats wikisource data content.""" ws = WikiStats() data = ws.get_dict('wikisource') self.assertIsInstance(data, dict) self.assertIn('en', data) self.assertIn('id', data) self.assertGreater(int(data['fr']['total']), int(data['fr']['good'])) data = data['fr'] self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(key, str) for key in data.keys() if key is not None)) self.assertIsInstance(data['total'], str) self.assertIn('prefix', data) self.assertIn('total', data)
if __name__ == '__main__': with suppress(SystemExit): unittest.main()