*********************************** Framework utility scripts reference *********************************** .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts :synopsis: Folder which holds framework scripts :private-members: pwb wrapper script ================== .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.wrapper :synopsis: Wrapper script to invoke pywikibot-based scripts generate\_family\_file script ============================= .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.generate_family_file :synopsis: This script generates a family file from a given URL generate\_user\_files script ============================ .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.generate_user_files :synopsis: Script to create user-config.py login script ============ .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.login :synopsis: Script to log the bot in to a wiki account shell script ============ .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.shell :synopsis: Spawns an interactive Python shell and imports the pywikibot library version script ============== .. automodule:: pywikibot.scripts.version :synopsis: Script to determine the Pywikibot version (tag, revision and date)