"""Structures holding data for Wikibase entities."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2019-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import MutableMapping, MutableSequence
from typing import Any
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.site import BaseSite
__all__ = (
class BaseDataDict(MutableMapping):
"""Base structure holding data for a Wikibase entity.
Data are mappings from a language to a value. It will be
specialised in subclasses.
def __init__(self, data=None) -> None:
self._data = {}
if data:
def new_empty(cls, repo):
"""Construct a new empty BaseDataDict."""
return cls()
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = self.normalizeKey(key)
return self._data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:
key = self.normalizeKey(key)
self._data[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key) -> None:
key = self.normalizeKey(key)
del self._data[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._data)
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
key = self.normalizeKey(key)
return key in self._data
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{type(self)}({self._data})'
def normalizeKey(key) -> str:
"""Helper function to return language codes of a site object.
:param key: input key to be normalized
:type key: pywikibot.site.BaseSite or str
if isinstance(key, BaseSite):
key = key.lang
return key
class LanguageDict(BaseDataDict):
"""A structure holding language data for a Wikibase entity.
Language data are mappings from a language to a string. It can be
labels, descriptions and others.
def fromJSON(cls, data, repo=None):
"""Construct a new LanguageDict from JSON."""
if data != []: # workaround for T222159
return cls({key: value['value'] for key, value in data.items()})
return cls()
def normalizeData(cls, data: dict):
"""Helper function to expand data into the Wikibase API structure.
:param data: Data to normalize
:return: The dict with normalized data
norm_data = {}
for key, value in data.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
norm_data[key] = {'language': key, 'value': value}
norm_data[key] = value
return norm_data
def toJSON(self, diffto: dict | None = None) -> dict:
"""Create JSON suitable for Wikibase API.
When diffto is provided, JSON representing differences
to the provided data is created.
:param diffto: JSON containing entity data
data = {}
diffto = diffto or {}
for key in diffto.keys() - self.keys():
data[key] = {'language': key, 'value': ''}
for key in self.keys() - diffto.keys():
data[key] = {'language': key, 'value': self[key]}
for key in self.keys() & diffto.keys():
if self[key] != diffto[key]['value']:
data[key] = {'language': key, 'value': self[key]}
return data
class AliasesDict(BaseDataDict):
"""A structure holding aliases for a Wikibase entity.
It is a mapping from a language to a list of strings.
def fromJSON(cls, data, repo=None):
"""Construct a new AliasesDict from JSON."""
this = cls()
for key, value in data.items():
this[key] = [val['value'] for val in value]
return this
def normalizeData(cls, data: dict) -> dict:
"""Helper function to expand data into the Wikibase API structure.
.. versionchanged:: 7.7
raises TypeError if *data* value is not a list.
:param data: Data to normalize
:return: The dict with normalized data
:raises TypeError: data values must be a list
norm_data = {}
for key, values in data.items():
if not isinstance(values, list):
raise TypeError(
f'Unsupported value type {type(values).__name__!r}'
f"for '{values}'; list expected.")
strings = []
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, str):
strings.append({'language': key, 'value': value})
norm_data[key] = strings
return norm_data
def toJSON(self, diffto: dict | None = None) -> dict:
"""Create JSON suitable for Wikibase API.
When diffto is provided, JSON representing differences
to the provided data is created.
:param diffto: JSON containing entity data
data = {}
diffto = diffto or {}
for lang in diffto.keys() & self.keys():
if (sorted(val['value'] for val in diffto[lang])
!= sorted(self[lang])):
data[lang] = [{'language': lang, 'value': i}
for i in self[lang]]
for lang in diffto.keys() - self.keys():
data[lang] = [
{'language': lang, 'value': i['value'], 'remove': ''}
for i in diffto[lang]]
for lang in self.keys() - diffto.keys():
data[lang] = [{'language': lang, 'value': i} for i in self[lang]]
return data
class ClaimCollection(MutableMapping):
"""A structure holding claims for a Wikibase entity."""
def __init__(self, repo) -> None:
self.repo = repo
self._data = {}
def fromJSON(cls, data, repo):
"""Construct a new ClaimCollection from JSON."""
this = cls(repo)
if data == []: # workaround for T222159
return this
for key, claims in data.items():
this[key] = [pywikibot.page.Claim.fromJSON(repo, claim)
for claim in claims]
return this
def new_empty(cls, repo):
"""Construct a new empty ClaimCollection."""
return cls(repo)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:
self._data[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key) -> None:
del self._data[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._data)
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
return key in self._data
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{type(self)}({self._data})'
def normalizeData(cls, data) -> dict:
"""Helper function to expand data into the Wikibase API structure.
:param data: Data to normalize
:return: The dict with normalized data
# no normalization here, should there be?
return data
def toJSON(self, diffto: dict | None = None) -> dict:
"""Create JSON suitable for Wikibase API.
When diffto is provided, JSON representing differences
to the provided data is created.
:param diffto: JSON containing entity data
claims = {}
for prop in self:
if self[prop]:
claims[prop] = [claim.toJSON() for claim in self[prop]]
if not diffto:
return claims
diff_claims = defaultdict(list)
props_add = set(claims)
props_orig = set(diffto)
for prop in (props_orig | props_add):
if prop not in props_orig:
if prop not in props_add:
{'id': claim['id'], 'remove': ''}
for claim in diffto[prop] if 'id' in claim)
claim_ids = set()
claim_map = {json['id']: json for json in diffto[prop]
if 'id' in json}
for claim, json in zip(self[prop], claims[prop]):
if 'id' not in json:
if json['id'] in claim_map:
other = pywikibot.page.Claim.fromJSON(
self.repo, claim_map[json['id']])
if claim.same_as(other, ignore_rank=False,
for claim in diffto[prop]:
if 'id' in claim and claim['id'] not in claim_ids:
diff_claims[prop].append({'id': claim['id'], 'remove': ''})
return diff_claims
def set_on_item(self, item) -> None:
"""Set Claim.on_item attribute for all claims in this collection."""
for claims in self.values():
for claim in claims:
claim.on_item = item
class SiteLinkCollection(MutableMapping):
"""A structure holding SiteLinks for a Wikibase item."""
def __init__(self, repo, data=None) -> None:
:param repo: the Wikibase site on which badges are defined
:type repo: pywikibot.site.DataSite
self.repo = repo
self._data = {}
if data:
def new_empty(cls, repo):
"""Construct a new empty SiteLinkCollection."""
return cls(repo)
def fromJSON(cls, data, repo):
"""Construct a new SiteLinkCollection from JSON."""
return cls(repo, data)
def getdbName(site):
"""Helper function to obtain a dbName for a Site.
:param site: The site to look up.
:type site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite or str
if isinstance(site, BaseSite):
return site.dbName()
return site
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get the SiteLink with the given key.
:param key: site key as Site instance or db key
:type key: pywikibot.Site or str
:rtype: pywikibot.page.SiteLink
key = self.getdbName(key)
val = self._data[key]
if isinstance(val, str):
val = pywikibot.page.SiteLink(val, key)
elif isinstance(val, dict):
val = pywikibot.page.SiteLink.fromJSON(val, self.repo)
return val
self._data[key] = val
return val
def __setitem__(
key: str | pywikibot.site.APISite,
val: str | dict[str, Any] | pywikibot.page.SiteLink,
) -> None:
"""Set the SiteLink for a given key.
This only sets the value given as str, dict or SiteLink. If a
str or dict is given the SiteLink object is created later in
__getitem__ method.
:param key: site key as Site instance or db key
:param val: page name as a string or JSON containing SiteLink
data or a SiteLink object
key = self.getdbName(key)
if isinstance(val, pywikibot.page.SiteLink):
assert val.site.dbName() == key
self._data[key] = val
def __delitem__(self, key) -> None:
key = self.getdbName(key)
del self._data[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._data)
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
key = self.getdbName(key)
return key in self._data
def _extract_json(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, pywikibot.page.SiteLink):
return obj.toJSON()
if isinstance(obj, pywikibot.page.BaseLink):
db_name = cls.getdbName(obj.site)
return {'site': db_name, 'title': obj.title}
if isinstance(obj, pywikibot.page.Page):
db_name = cls.getdbName(obj.site)
return {'site': db_name, 'title': obj.title()}
return obj
def normalizeData(cls, data) -> dict:
"""Helper function to expand data into the Wikibase API structure.
:param data: Data to normalize
:type data: list or dict
:return: The dict with normalized data
norm_data = {}
if isinstance(data, dict):
for key, obj in data.items():
key = cls.getdbName(key)
json = cls._extract_json(obj)
if isinstance(json, str):
json = {'site': key, 'title': json}
elif key != json['site']:
raise ValueError(
"Key '{}' doesn't match the site of the value: '{}'"
.format(key, json['site']))
norm_data[key] = json
for obj in data:
json = cls._extract_json(obj)
if not isinstance(json, dict):
raise ValueError(
"Couldn't determine the site and title of the value: "
db_name = json['site']
norm_data[db_name] = json
return norm_data
def toJSON(self, diffto: dict | None = None) -> dict:
"""Create JSON suitable for Wikibase API.
When diffto is provided, JSON representing differences
to the provided data is created.
:param diffto: JSON containing entity data
data = {dbname: sitelink.toJSON()
for (dbname, sitelink) in self.items()}
if diffto:
to_nuke = []
for dbname, sitelink in data.items():
if dbname not in diffto:
diffto_link = diffto[dbname]
if diffto_link.get('title') == sitelink.get('title'):
# compare badges
diffto_badges = diffto_link.get('badges', [])
badges = sitelink.get('badges', [])
tmp_badges = [''] * len(set(diffto_badges) - set(badges))
for badge in set(badges) - set(diffto_badges):
if tmp_badges:
data[dbname]['badges'] = tmp_badges
# find removed sitelinks
for dbname in (set(diffto.keys()) - set(self.keys())):
badges = [''] * len(diffto[dbname].get('badges', []))
data[dbname] = {'site': dbname, 'title': ''}
if badges:
data[dbname]['badges'] = badges
for dbname in to_nuke:
del data[dbname]
return data
class SubEntityCollection(MutableSequence):
"""Ordered collection of sub-entities indexed by their ids."""
def __init__(self, repo, data=None):
:param repo: Wikibase site
:type repo: pywikibot.site.DataSite
:param data: iterable of LexemeSubEntity
:type data: iterable
self.repo = repo
self._data = []
self._by_key = {}
if data:
def _validate_isinstance(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, self.type_class):
raise TypeError(
f'{type(self).__name__} should only hold instances of '
f'{self.type_class.__name__}, instance of '
f'{type(obj).__name__} was provided'
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, str):
index = self._by_key[index]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f'No entity with id {index} was found') from e
return self._data[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def __delitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, str):
index = self._by_key[index]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f'No entity with id {index} was found') from e
obj = self._data[index]
del self._data[index]
del self._by_key[obj.id]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def insert(self, index, obj):
"""Insert a sub-entity to the collection."""
self._data.insert(index, obj)
self._by_key[obj.id] = index
def new_empty(cls, repo):
"""Construct a new empty SubEntityCollection."""
return cls(repo)
def fromJSON(cls, data, repo):
"""Construct a new SubEntityCollection from JSON."""
this = cls(repo)
for entity in data:
this.append(cls.type_class.fromJSON(repo, entity))
return this
def normalizeData(cls, data: list) -> dict:
"""Helper function to expand data into the Wikibase API structure.
:param data: Data to normalize
:type data: list
:return: the altered dict from parameter data.
raise NotImplementedError # TODO
def toJSON(self, diffto: dict | None = None) -> dict:
"""Create JSON suitable for Wikibase API.
When diffto is provided, JSON representing differences
to the provided data is created.
:param diffto: JSON containing entity data
raise NotImplementedError # TODO