Source code for pywikibot.scripts.login

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Script to log the bot in to a wiki account.

Suggestion is to make a special account to use for bot use only. Make
sure this bot account is well known on your home wiki before using.

The following parameters are supported::

 -family:FF   Log in to the LL language of the FF family.
 -lang:LL     Example: -family:wiktionary -lang:fr will log you in at

 -site:FF:LL  Log in to the LL language of the FF family

 -all         Try to log in on all sites where a username is defined in
              user config file (

 -logout      Log out of the current site. Combine with -all to log out of
              all sites, or with -family and -lang to log out of a specific

 -oauth       Generate OAuth authentication information.

              .. note:: Need to copy OAuth tokens to your user config
                 file manually. -logout is not compatible with -oauth.

 -autocreate  Auto-create an account using unified login when necessary.

              .. note:: the global account must exist already before
                 using this.

 -async       Run the bot in parallel tasks

If not given as parameter, the script will ask for your username and
password (password entry will be hidden), log in to your home wiki using
this combination, and store the resulting cookies (containing your password
hash, so keep it secured!) in a file in the data subdirectory.

All scripts in this library will be looking for this cookie file and will
use the login information if it is present.

To log out, throw away the ``*.lwp`` file that is created in the data

.. versionchanged:: 7.4
   moved to :mod:`pywikibot.scripts` folder
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2023
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from contextlib import nullcontext, suppress

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import config
from pywikibot.exceptions import NoUsernameError, SiteDefinitionError
from pywikibot.login import OauthLoginManager

def _get_consumer_token(site) -> tuple[str, str]:
    key_msg = f'OAuth consumer key on {site.code}:{}'
    key = pywikibot.input(key_msg)
    secret_msg = f'OAuth consumer secret for consumer {key}'
    secret = pywikibot.input(secret_msg, password=True)
    return key, secret

def _oauth_login(site) -> None:
    consumer_key, consumer_secret = _get_consumer_token(site)
    login_manager = OauthLoginManager(consumer_secret, site, consumer_key)
    identity = login_manager.identity
    if identity is None:
        pywikibot.error(f'Invalid OAuth info for {site}.')
    elif site.username() != identity['username']:
            'Logged in on {site} via OAuth as {wrong}, but expect as {right}'
                    wrong=identity['username'], right=site.username()))
        oauth_token = login_manager.consumer_token + login_manager.access_token
            'Logged in on {site} as {username} via OAuth consumer {consumer}\n'
            'NOTE: To use OAuth, you need to copy the  following line to your '
            'user config file:\n authenticate[{hostname!r}] = {oauth_token}'
            .format(site=site, username=site.username(), consumer=consumer_key,
                    hostname=site.hostname(), oauth_token=oauth_token))

[docs] def login_one_site(code, family, oauth, logout, autocreate): """Login on one site.""" try: site = pywikibot.Site(code, family) except SiteDefinitionError: pywikibot.error('{}:{} is not a valid site, ' 'please remove it from your user-config' .format(family, code)) return if oauth: _oauth_login(site) return if logout: site.logout() else: try: site.login(autocreate=autocreate) except NoUsernameError as e: pywikibot.error(e) user = site.user() if user:'Logged in on {site} as {user}.') elif logout:'Logged out of {site}.') else:'Not logged in on {site}.')
[docs] def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ logall = False logout = False oauth = False autocreate = False asyncronous = False unknown_args = [] for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): if arg == '-all': logall = True elif arg == '-logout': logout = True elif arg == '-oauth': oauth = True elif arg == '-autocreate': autocreate = True elif arg == '-async': asyncronous = True else: unknown_args.append(arg) if return if logall: namedict = config.usernames else: site = pywikibot.Site() namedict = { {site.code: None}} params = oauth, logout, autocreate context = ThreadPoolExecutor if asyncronous else nullcontext with context() as executor: for family_name in namedict: for lang in namedict[family_name]: if asyncronous: executor.submit(login_one_site, lang, family_name, *params) else: login_one_site(lang, family_name, *params)
if __name__ == '__main__': start = with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt): main()'\nExecution time: {} seconds' .format(( - start).seconds))