************ Introduction ************ .. include:: ../README.rst :start-line: 38 :end-before: For more documentation on Pywikibot Settings ======== It is recommended to create a `user-config.py` file if Pywikibot is used as a site package. If Pywikibot is used in directory mode e.g. from a repository the configuration file is mandatory. A minimal sample is shown below. .. literalinclude:: ../user-config.py.sample This sample is shipped with the repository but is not available with the site-package. For more settings use :mod:`generate_user_files` script or refer :py:mod:`pywikibot.config` module. .. seealso:: :manpage:`Installation` Manual Internationalisation (i18n) =========================== Some of the framework input interaction is translated. The user interface language to be used can be set as follows: #. set the `userinterface_lang` in your :ref:`user-config.py` to your preferred language #. set environment variable `PYWIKIBOT_USERINTERFACE_LANG` to your preferred language #. default is obtained from `locale.getlocale` #. fallback is `'en'` for English if all other options fails .. note:: The preferred language code must follow ISO 639. .. versionadded:: 7.0 Added to site-package distribution .. seealso:: * :manpage:`i18n` Manual * `MediaWiki Language Codes `_ * :ref:`User Interface Settings` * :py:mod:`pywikibot.i18n`