Source code for scap.cdblib
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| Imported from: `python-pure-cdb <>`_
| Author: David Wilson
| License: MIT
Manipulate DJB's Constant Databases. These are 2 level disk-based hash tables
that efficiently handle many keys, while remaining space-efficient.
When generated databases are only used with Python code, consider using hash()
rather than djb_hash() for a tidy speedup.
.. note::
Minor alterations made to comply with PEP8 style check and to remove
attempt to import C implementation of djb_hash. -- bd808, 2014-03-04
from itertools import chain
from _struct import Struct
import sys
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
def py_djb_hash(s):
Return the value of DJB's hash function for the given 8-bit string.
>>> py_djb_hash('')
>>> py_djb_hash('\x01')
>>> py_djb_hash('€')
h = 5381
for c in s:
h = (((h << 5) + h) ^ ord(c)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return h
[docs] def py_djb_hash(s):
Return the value of DJB's hash function for the given 8-bit string.
>>> py_djb_hash('')
>>> py_djb_hash('\x01')
>>> py_djb_hash('€')
h = 5381
for c in s.encode("UTF-8"):
h = (((h << 5) + h) ^ c) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return h
# 2014-03-04 bd808: removed try block for importing C hash implementation
DJB_HASH = py_djb_hash
READ_2_LE4 = Struct("<LL").unpack
WRITE_2_LE4 = Struct("<LL").pack
[docs]class Reader(object):
A dictionary-like object for reading a Constant Database.
Reader accesses through a string or string-like sequence
such as mmap.mmap().
[docs] def __init__(self, data, hashfn=DJB_HASH):
Create an instance reading from a sequence and hash keys using hashfn.
>>> Reader(data=b'')
Traceback (most recent call last):
OSError: CDB too small
>>> Reader(data=b'a' * 2048) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<scap.cdblib.Reader object at 0x...>
if len(data) < 2048:
raise OSError("CDB too small") = data
self.hashfn = hashfn
self.index = [READ_2_LE4(data[i : i + 8]) for i in range(0, 2048, 8)]
self.table_start = min(p[0] for p in self.index)
# Assume load factor is 0.5 like official CDB.
self.length = sum(p[1] >> 1 for p in self.index)
[docs] def iteritems(self):
"""Like dict.iteritems(). Items are returned in insertion order."""
pos = 2048
while pos < self.table_start:
klen, dlen = READ_2_LE4([pos : pos + 8])
pos += 8
key =[pos : pos + klen]
pos += klen
data =[pos : pos + dlen]
pos += dlen
key = key.decode("UTF-8")
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
yield key, data
[docs] def items(self):
"""Like dict.items()."""
return list(self.iteritems())
[docs]class Writer(object):
"""Object for building new Constant Databases, and writing them to a
seekable file-like object."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fp, hashfn=DJB_HASH):
Create an instance writing to a file-like object and hash keys.
It uses hashfn to hash keys.
>>> import tempfile
>>> temp_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
>>> Writer(fp=temp_fp, hashfn=py_djb_hash) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<scap.cdblib.Writer object at 0x...>
self.fp = fp
self.hashfn = hashfn
fp.write(b"\x00" * 2048)
self._unordered = [[] for i in range(256)]
[docs] def put(self, key, value=""):
"""Write a string key/value pair to the output file."""
assert isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str)
# Compute the hash of the key while it is still a string
h = self.hashfn(key) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# Convert key/value strings to bytes
key = key.encode("UTF-8")
value = value.encode("UTF-8")
pos = self.fp.tell()
self.fp.write(WRITE_2_LE4(len(key), len(value)))
self._unordered[h & 0xFF].append((h, pos))
[docs] def finalize(self):
"""Write the final hash tables to the output file, and write out its
index. The output file remains open upon return."""
index = []
for tbl in self._unordered:
length = len(tbl) << 1
ordered = [(0, 0)] * length
for pair in tbl:
where = (pair[0] >> 8) % length
for i in chain(range(where, length), range(0, where)):
if not ordered[i][0]:
ordered[i] = pair
index.append((self.fp.tell(), length))
for pair in ordered:
for pair in index:
self.fp = None # prevent double finalize()