Source code for scap.log

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Helpers for routing and formatting log data.

    Copyright © 2014-2017 Wikimedia Foundation and Contributors.

    This file is part of Scap.

    Scap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import contextlib
import fnmatch
from functools import partial
import itertools
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import math
import operator
import queue
import re
import shlex
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback

import pygments

    from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
    from pygments.lexers.diff import DiffLexer
except ImportError:
    DiffLexer = None

import scap.utils as utils

# Format string for log messages. Interpolates LogRecord attributes.
# See <>
# for attribute names you can include here.
CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s"

[docs]class AnsiColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Colorize output according to logging level.""" colors = { "CRITICAL": "41;37", # white on red "ERROR": "31", # red "WARNING": "33", # yellow "INFO": "32", # green "DEBUG": "36", # cyan }
[docs] def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, colors=None, colorize="auto"): """ :param fmt: Message format string :param datefmt: Time format string :param colors: Dict of {'levelname': ANSI SGR parameters} :param colorize: Set to true to colorize messages based on log level. Default 'auto' enable color when stderr is a tty or 'FORCE_COLOR' is found in the environment. .. seealso:: """ super().__init__(fmt, datefmt) if colors: self.colors.update(colors) if colorize == "auto": self.colorize = utils.should_colorize_output() else: self.colorize = colorize
[docs] def format(self, record): msg = super().format(record) if not self.colorize: return msg color = self.colors.get(record.levelname, "0") return "\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m" % (color, msg)
[docs]class DiffLogFormatter(AnsiColorFormatter): lex = None formatter = None
[docs] def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, colors=None, colorize="auto"): if DiffLexer: self.lex = DiffLexer() self.formatter = TerminalFormatter() super().__init__(fmt, datefmt, colors, colorize)
[docs] def format(self, record): if getattr(record, "type", None) == "config_diff": if self.lex: return pygments.highlight(record.output, self.lex, self.formatter) return record.output return super().format(record)
[docs]class IRCSocketHandler(logging.Handler): """ Log handler for logmsgbot on #wikimedia-operation. Sends log events to a tcpircbot server for relay to an IRC channel. """
[docs] def __init__(self, host, port, timeout=1.0): """ :param host: tcpircbot host :type host: str :param port: tcpircbot listening port :type port: int :param timeout: timeout for sending message :type timeout: float """ super().__init__() self.addr = (host, port) self.level = logging.INFO self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def emit(self, record): message = "!log %s@%s %s" % ( utils.get_real_username(), socket.gethostname(), record.getMessage(), ) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(self.timeout) sock.connect(self.addr) sock.sendall(message.encode("utf-8")) sock.close() except (socket.timeout, socket.error, socket.gaierror): self.handleError(record)
[docs]class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Serialize logging output as JSON. Can be used to maintain logged event structure between the deployment host and remote targets. """ DEFAULTS = [ ("name", ""), ("levelno", logging.INFO), ("filename", None), ("lineno", None), ("msg", ""), ("args", ()), ("exc_info", None), ("funcName", None), ] # LogRecord fields that we omit because we can't reliably serialize them UNSERIALIZABLE = {"exc_info"} # Native fields that we propagate as is PRESERVED = {"created", "msecs", "relativeCreated", "exc_text"} # Extrapolate efficient sets of mapped and built-in LogRecord attributes FIELDS = ({k for k, _ in DEFAULTS} | PRESERVED) - UNSERIALIZABLE NATIVE = set(logging.LogRecord(*[v for _, v in DEFAULTS]).__dict__.keys()) @staticmethod def make_record(data): fields = json.loads(data) args = [] for k, v in JSONFormatter.DEFAULTS: val = fields.get(k, v) if k == "args": val = tuple(val) args.append(val) record = logging.LogRecord(*args) for k in fields: if k in JSONFormatter.PRESERVED or k not in JSONFormatter.NATIVE: record.__dict__[k] = fields[k] return record
[docs] def format(self, record): rec = record.__dict__ fields = {k: rec[k] for k in rec if self._isvalid(k)} # We can't serialize `exc_info` so preserve it as a formatted string if rec.get("exc_info", None): fields["exc_text"] = self.formatException(rec["exc_info"]) def serialize_obj(obj): if hasattr(obj, "getvalue"): return obj.getvalue() if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"): return obj.__dict__ return None return json.dumps(fields, default=serialize_obj, skipkeys=True)
def _isvalid(self, field): return field in self.FIELDS or field not in self.NATIVE
[docs]class LogstashFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Format log messages for logstash.""" converter = time.gmtime
[docs] def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", log_type="scap"): """ :param fmt: Message format string (not used) :param datefmt: Time format string :param type: Logstash event type """ super().__init__(fmt, datefmt) self.type = log_type = socket.gethostname() self.script = sys.argv[0] self.user = utils.get_real_username()
[docs] def format(self, record): """Format a record as a logstash v1 JSON string.""" fields = record.__dict__.copy() # Rename fields fields["channel"] = fields.pop("name", "unnamed") fields["@timestamp"] = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) # Ensure message is populated if "message" not in fields: try: if "args" in fields and fields["args"]: fields["message"] = fields["msg"] % fields["args"] else: fields["message"] = fields["msg"] except TypeError as typee: # This sometimes happens if the fields['msg'] has a # '%<something>' in it some place. # # Re-raising and dumping the message and fields seems like it # may be more helpful in tracking down the root cause of an # error than the output, "not enough arguments for format # string" raise TypeError( "error: ({}); " "format string: ({}); " "arguments: ({})".format(str(typee), fields["msg"], fields["args"]) ) # Format exception if "exc_info" in fields and fields["exc_info"]: fields["exception"] = self.formatException(fields["exc_info"]) # Remove fields remove_fields = [ "args", "asctime", "created", "exc_info", "exc_text", "levelno", "msecs", "msg", "processName", "relativeCreated", "thread", "threadName", ] for field in remove_fields: fields.pop(field, None) logstash_record = { "@version": 1, "type": self.type, "host":, "script": self.script, "user": self.user, } logstash_record.update(fields) return json.dumps(logstash_record, default=str)
[docs] def formatException(self, exc_info): """Format the given exception as a dict.""" ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = exc_info return { "class": ex_type.__name__, "message": "%s" % ex_value, "stacktrace": [ {"file": fname, "line": line, "function": func, "text": text} for fname, line, func, text in traceback.extract_tb(ex_traceback) ], }
[docs]class SyslogFormatter(LogstashFormatter):
[docs] def format(self, record): # Add the 'cee cookie' to signal json-in-syslog # The cookie is recognized by rsyslog for json parsing: # return "scap: @cee: " + super().format(record)
[docs]def reporter(message, mute=False): """ Instantiate progress reporter :message: - string that will be displayed to user """ if mute: return MuteReporter() if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return RateLimitedProgressReporter(message) return ProgressReporter(message)
[docs]class ProgressReporter(object): """ Track and display progress of a process. Report on the status of a multi-step process by displaying the completion percentage and succes, failure and remaining task counts on a single output line. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, expect=0, fd=sys.stderr, spinner=None): """ :param name: Name of command being monitored :param expect: Number of results to expect :param fd: File handle to write status messages to :param spinner: Cyclical iterator that returns progress spinner. """ if spinner is None: spinner = itertools.cycle(["-", "\\", "|", "/"]) self._name = name self._expect = expect self._done = 0 self._ok = 0 self._failed = 0 self._in_flight = None self._fd = fd self._spinner = spinner self._finished = False
@property def ok(self): return self._ok @property def failed(self): return self._failed @property def remaining(self): if self._in_flight is not None: return self._expect - self._done - self._in_flight else: return self._expect - self._done @property def done(self): return self._done @property def percent_complete(self): return math.floor(100.0 * (float(self._done) / max(self._expect, 1)))
[docs] def expect(self, count): """Set expected result count.""" self._expect = count
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh/redraw progress output.""" self._progress()
[docs] def start(self): """Start tracking progress.""" self._progress()
[docs] def finish(self): """Finish tracking progress.""" self._finished = True self._progress() if sys.stdout.isatty(): self._fd.write("\n")
def add_in_flight(self): if self._in_flight is None: self._in_flight = 1 else: self._in_flight += 1 self._progress()
[docs] def add_success(self): """Record a sucessful task completion.""" self._done += 1 self._ok += 1 if self._in_flight is not None: self._in_flight -= 1 self._progress()
[docs] def set_success(self, value): """Sets the number of done/successful jobs to the specified value.""" if self._in_flight is not None: raise Exception("set_success cannot be used along with add_in_flight") self._done = self._ok = value self._progress()
[docs] def add_failure(self): """Record a failed task completion.""" self._done += 1 self._failed += 1 if self._in_flight is not None: self._in_flight -= 1 self._progress()
def _progress(self): show_spinner = not self._finished if sys.stdout.isatty(): fmt = "%-80s\r" else: fmt = "%-80s\n" show_spinner = False output = "%s %s: %3.0f%% (%sok: %d; fail: %d; left: %d) %s" % ( time.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT), self._name, self.percent_complete, "" if self._in_flight is None else "in-flight: {}; ".format(self._in_flight), self.ok, self.failed, self.remaining, next(self._spinner) if show_spinner else "", ) self._fd.write(fmt % output)
[docs]class RateLimitedProgressReporter(ProgressReporter): """ The same as ProgressReporter, but doesn't generate output more than once every max_reporting_interval seconds. The final progress report is always generated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._last_report_time = 0 self._max_reporting_interval = kwargs.get("max_reporting_interval", 30) if "max_reporting_interval" in kwargs: del kwargs["max_reporting_interval"] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _progress(self, *args, **kwargs): now = time.time() if ( not self._finished and now - self._last_report_time < self._max_reporting_interval ): # Not enough time has elapsed since the last report return super()._progress(*args, **kwargs) self._last_report_time = now
[docs]class MuteReporter(ProgressReporter): """A report that declines to report anything."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name="", expect=0, fd=sys.stderr): super().__init__(name)
def _progress(self): pass
[docs] def finish(self): pass
[docs]class QueueReporter(ProgressReporter): """ A ProgressReporter which sends its state-changing operations upstream via a queue. It does not generate any output. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, expect=0, fd=sys.stderr, queue=None): self.queue = queue super().__init__(name, expect, fd)
def _send(self, message): self.queue.put((threading.get_ident(), message))
[docs] def expect(self, count): self._send(("expect", count))
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def finish(self): pass
def add_in_flight(self): self._send(("add_in_flight",))
[docs] def add_success(self): self._send(("add_success",))
[docs] def add_failure(self): self._send(("add_failure",))
def queue_reader(name, queue): r = reporter(name) r.start() expects = {} while True: (worker_id, message) = queue.get() operation = message[0] if operation == "expect": expects[worker_id] = message[1] r.expect(sum(expects.values())) elif operation == "add_in_flight": r.add_in_flight() elif operation == "add_success": r.add_success() elif operation == "add_failure": r.add_failure() elif operation == "terminate": break r.finish() @contextlib.contextmanager def MultithreadedProgressReportCollection(name): q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread( name="Queue reader", target=queue_reader, args=(name, q), daemon=True ) t.start() try: yield q finally: q.put((None, ("terminate",))) t.join()
[docs]class DeployLogFormatter(JSONFormatter): """Ensure that all `deploy.log` records contain a host attribute."""
[docs] def format(self, record): if not hasattr(record, "host"): = socket.gethostname() return super().format(record)
[docs]class DeployLogHandler(logging.FileHandler): """Handler for `scap/deploy.log`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, log_file): super().__init__(log_file) self.setFormatter(DeployLogFormatter()) self.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs]class Filter(object): """ Generic log filter that matches record attributes against criteria. You can provide either a glob pattern, regular expression, or lambda as each attribute criterion, and invert the logic by passing filter=False. Examples:: Filter({'name': '*.target.*', 'host': 'scap-target-01'}) Filter({'msg': re.compile('some annoying (message|msg)')}) Filter({'levelno': lambda lvl: lvl < logging.WARNING}) Filter({'name': '*.target.*'}, invert=False) Equivalent DSL examples:: Filter.loads('name == *.target.* host == scap-target-01') Filter.loads('msg ~ "some annoying (message|msg)"') Filter.loads('levelno < WARNING')f Filter.loads('name == *.target.*', invert=False) """ OPERATORS = {"=", "==", "~", ">", ">=", "<", "<="} COMPARISONS = {">": "gt", ">=": "ge", "<": "lt", "<=": "le"} LOG_LEVELS = ["CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(expression, invert=True): """ Construct a `Filter` from the given free-form expression. See :class:`Filter` for examples. """ criteria = [] for lhs, op, rhs in Filter.parse(expression): if lhs == "levelno" and rhs in Filter.LOG_LEVELS: criterion = getattr(logging, rhs) elif rhs.isdigit(): criterion = int(rhs) else: criterion = rhs if op in Filter.COMPARISONS: # map to a "rich comparison" operator # e.g. foo < 10 becomes `, 10)` func = getattr(operator, Filter.COMPARISONS[op]) criterion = partial(lambda f, c, v: f(v, c), func, criterion) elif op == "~": criterion = re.compile(criterion) criteria.append((lhs, criterion)) return Filter(criteria, invert=invert)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(expression): """ Parse the given filter expression and generates its parts. :param expression: Filter expression. :type expression: str :yields: (lhs, op, rhs) """ parts = shlex.split(expression) # check that we're dealing with tuples of 3s (lhs, operator, rhs) if len(parts) % 3 > 0: raise ValueError("invalid expression '{}'".format(expression)) for i in range(0, len(parts), 3): lhs, op, rhs = parts[i : i + 3] if op not in Filter.OPERATORS: raise ValueError("invalid operator '{}'".format(op)) yield lhs, op, rhs
[docs] def __init__(self, criteria, invert=True): self._invert = invert self.criteria = [] self.append(criteria)
[docs] def append(self, criteria): """ Append the filter with the given criteria. :param criteria: Filter criteria :type criteria: iter """ if hasattr(criteria, "items"): criteria = criteria.items() # Normalize all globs into regexs into lambdas for attr, criterion in criteria: if isinstance(criterion, str): criterion = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(criterion)) if not hasattr(criterion, "__call__"): criterion = partial(lambda c, v:, criterion) self.criteria.append((attr, criterion))
[docs] def filter(self, record): """ Perform filtering on a given log record. :param record: Log record. :type record: LogRecord """ record = record.__dict__ matches = True for attr, criterion in self.criteria: if attr not in record or not criterion(record.get(attr)): matches = False break if self._invert: return not matches return matches
[docs] def isfiltering(self, attribute): """Whether the filter has criteria for the given attribute.""" return any(attr == attribute for attr, _ in self.criteria)
[docs]class Stats(object): """ A simple StatsD metric client. It can log measurements and counts to a remote StatsD host. See <> for details. """
[docs] @utils.log_context("stats") def __init__(self, host, port, logger=None): self.logger = logger self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.address = (host, port)
[docs] def timing(self, name, milliseconds): """Report a timing measurement in milliseconds.""" metric = "%s:%s|ms" % (name, int(round(milliseconds))) self._send_metric(metric)
[docs] def increment(self, name, value=1): """Increment a measurement.""" metric = "%s:%s|c" % (name, value) self._send_metric(metric)
def _send_metric(self, metric): try: if isinstance(metric, str): metric = metric.encode("UTF-8") assert isinstance(metric, bytes) self.socket.sendto(metric, self.address) except Exception: self.logger.exception('Failed to send metric "%s"', metric)
[docs]class Timer(object): """ Context manager to track and record the time taken to execute a block. Elapsed time will be recorded to a logger and optionally a StatsD server. >>> with Timer('example'): ... time.sleep(0.1) >>> s = Stats('', 2003) >>> with Timer('example', s): ... time.sleep(0.1) Sub-interval times can also be recorded using the :meth:`mark` method. >>> with Timer('file copy') as t: ... time.sleep(0.1) ... x = t.mark('copy phase 1') ... time.sleep(0.1) ... y = t.mark('copy phase 2') """
[docs] @utils.log_context("timer") def __init__(self, label, stats=None, logger=None): """ :param label: Label for block (e.g. 'scap' or 'rsync') :type label: str :param stats: StatsD client to record block invocation and duration :type stats: scap.log.Stats """ self.label = label self.stats = stats self.logger = logger self.mark_start = None self.start = None self.end = None
[docs] def mark(self, label): """ Log the interval elapsed since the last mark call. :param label: Label for block (e.g. 'scap' or 'rsync') :type label: str """ now = time.time() elapsed = now - self.mark_start self._record_elapsed(label, elapsed) self.mark_start = now return elapsed
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Enter the runtime context. :returns: self """ self.start = time.time() self.mark_start = self.start "Started %s" % self.label, extra={ "event.action": self.label, "event.start": int(self.start * pow(10, 3)), }, ) return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Exit the runtime context.""" self.end = time.time() self._record_elapsed(self.label, self.end - self.start)
[docs] def _record_elapsed(self, label, elapsed): """ Log the elapsed duration. :param label: Label for elapsed time :type label: str :param elapsed: Elapsed duration :type elapsed: float """ extras = { "event.action": label, "event.start": int(self.start * pow(10, 3)), "event.duration": int(elapsed * pow(10, 9)), # nanoseconds } if self.end is not None: extras["event.end"] = int(self.end * pow(10, 3)) "Finished %s (duration: %s)", label, utils.human_duration(elapsed), extra=extras, ) if self.stats: label = re.sub(r"\W", "_", label.lower()) self.stats.timing("scap.%s" % label, elapsed * 1000)
[docs]class Udp2LogHandler(logging.handlers.DatagramHandler): """Log handler for udp2log."""
[docs] def __init__(self, host, port, prefix="scap"): """ :param host: Hostname or ip address :param port: Port :param prefix: Line prefix (udp2log destination) """ super().__init__(host, port) self.prefix = prefix
[docs] def makePickle(self, record): """ Format record as a udp2log packet. >>> Udp2LogHandler('', 12345).makePickle( ... logging.makeLogRecord({'msg':'line1\\nline2'})) 'scap line1\\nscap line2\\n' >>> Udp2LogHandler('', 12345).makePickle( ... logging.makeLogRecord({'msg':'%s12'% ('0'*65500)})) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'scap 00000...00001\\n' """ text = self.format(record) if self.prefix: text = re.sub(r"^", self.prefix + " ", text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if len(text) > 65506: text = text[:65506] if text[-1] != "\n": text = text + "\n" return text.encode()
[docs]def setup_loggers(cfg, console_level=logging.INFO, handlers=None): """ Setup the logging system. * Configure the root logger to use :class:`DiffLogFormatter` * Optionally add a :class:`Udp2LogHandler` to send logs to a udp2log server * Optional add a :class:`IRCSocketHandler` for the `scap.announce` log channel to send messages to a tcpircbot server :param cfg: Dict of global configuration values :param console_level: Logging level for the local console appender :param handlers: Additional handlers """ # The INFO level for is pretty verbose if console_level == logging.DEBUG: logging.getLogger("").setLevel(logging.INFO) # Set logger levels logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.root.handlers[0].setLevel(console_level) # Log messages matching these filters will be prevented from reaching the console. logging.root.handlers[0].addFilter(Filter({"name": "target.*"})) # Normally we don't want and scap.k8s.deploy channel debug messages to reach the console, but we # do want to see them when scap is run with the -v flag (which causes console_level to be logging.DEBUG). logging.root.handlers[0].addFilter( Filter({"name": "", "levelno": lambda lvl: lvl < console_level}) ) logging.root.handlers[0].addFilter( Filter({"name": "scap.k8s.deploy", "levelno": lambda lvl: lvl < console_level}) ) if cfg["log_json"]: logging.root.handlers[0].setFormatter(JSONFormatter()) else: logging.root.handlers[0].setFormatter( DiffLogFormatter("%(asctime)s %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S") ) if cfg["udp2log_host"]: # Send a copy of all logs to the udp2log relay udp_handler = Udp2LogHandler(cfg["udp2log_host"], int(cfg["udp2log_port"])) udp_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) udp_handler.setFormatter(LogstashFormatter()) logging.root.addHandler(udp_handler) if cfg["use_syslog"]: # Send a copy of all logs to local syslog syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler("/dev/log") syslog_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) syslog_handler.setFormatter(SyslogFormatter()) logging.root.addHandler(syslog_handler) if cfg["tcpircbot_host"]: # Send 'scap.announce' messages to irc relay irc_logger = logging.getLogger("scap.announce") irc_logger.addHandler( IRCSocketHandler(cfg["tcpircbot_host"], int(cfg["tcpircbot_port"])) ) if handlers is not None: for handler in handlers: logging.root.addHandler(handler)
[docs]def log_large_message(message, logger, log_level): """ Logs 'message' to 'logger' at the specified 'log_level'. 'message' is broken into multiple messages if it exceeds MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE. """ MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 50000 num_segments = math.ceil(len(message) / MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) if num_segments <= 1: logger.log(log_level, "%s", message) return for i in range(num_segments): logger.log( log_level, "[%d/%d] %s", i + 1, num_segments, message[:MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE], ) message = message[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE:]