Source code for scap.template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Module for working with file templates

    Copyright © 2014-2017 Wikimedia Foundation and Contributors.

    This file is part of Scap.

    Scap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from typing import Dict

import jinja2
import yaml

VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS = ["yaml", "yml"]
OUTPUT_ALIASES = {"yml": "yaml"}

[docs]def yaml_finalize(value): """ Output yaml values rather than pythonic values """ if value is None: return "null" if value is True: return "true" if value is False: return "false" return value
[docs]def guess_format(fn): """ Guess the output format based on config file extension. """ if "." not in fn: return None parts = fn.split(".") # if the file ends in j2, drop the j2 if parts[::-1][0] == "j2": parts = parts[:-1] fmt = parts[::-1][0] if fmt not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS: return None return OUTPUT_ALIASES.get(fmt, fmt)
[docs]def get_output_formatter(fmt): """ Get output formatter based on desired output format. """ return globals()["{}_finalize".format(OUTPUT_ALIASES.get(fmt, fmt))]
[docs]class Template(object): """Adapter class that wraps jinja2 templates."""
[docs] def __init__( self, name, loader, erb_syntax=False, var_file=None, overrides=None, output_format=None, ): env_args = self._make_env_args(loader, erb_syntax, output_format) self._env = jinja2.Environment(**env_args) self._template = self._env.get_template(name) self._overrides = overrides self.var_file = var_file
[docs] def _make_env_args(self, loader: Dict[str, str], erb_syntax, output_format): """Generate properties to pass to the jinja template.""" env_args = {"loader": jinja2.DictLoader(loader)} if output_format in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS: finalize_func = get_output_formatter(output_format) env_args["finalize"] = finalize_func if erb_syntax: env_args.update( { "block_start_string": "<%", "block_end_string": "%>", "variable_start_string": "<%=", "variable_end_string": "%>", "comment_start_string": "<%#", "comment_end_string": "%>", } ) return env_args
[docs] def _get_file_vars(self): """ Load yaml var file if it exists. :return: dict variables for template use """ if not self.var_file: return {} with open(self.var_file, "r") as variables: return yaml.safe_load(
[docs] def render(self) -> str: """ Renders the templates specified by ``. It uses the variables sourced from the import yaml file specified by `self.var_file` """ template_vars = self._get_file_vars() if self._overrides: overrides = self._overrides overrides.update(template_vars) template_vars = overrides return self._template.render(template_vars)