Configuring Service Checks

Scap can perform service checks during a deployment in order to detect any problems that might be caused by the new code (or configuration) and alert the deployer early in the process and offering the option to roll back to the previously deployed version.

Additionally, you can run any arbitrary command using checks which can thus be used as a hook system in the process flow.

The environment in which a check executes has the following environment variables defined:

  • $SCAP_FINAL_PATH - A symbolic link created during the promote stage that points to the deployed code, constructed from the configured git_deploy_dir and the repo name, e.g. /srv/deployment/repo/name. Note that this link will point to the previously deployed rev for checks that run prior to promote.

  • $SCAP_REV_PATH - Path to the revision of the code being deployed, e.g. /srv/deployment/repo/name-cache/revs/abc123. This is the most reliable value for scripts that need to operate on the revision being deployed regardless of its current state.

  • $SCAP_REVS_DIR - Directory that contains all deployed revisions, e.g. /srv/deployment/repo/name-cache/revs.

  • $SCAP_CURRENT_REV_DIR - A symbolic link created during the promote stage that points to the deployed code. Note this is an internal convention that scap uses to track the state of deployment and should only be used by scripts that need to mimic its internal logic. For a less esoteric alternative, use $SCAP_FINAL_PATH.

  • $SCAP_DONE_REV_DIR - A symbolic link created during the finalize stage that points to the deployed code. Note this is an internal convention that scap uses to track the state of deployment and should only be used by scripts that need to mimic its internal logic.

See also

  • scap deploy-log - monitor output from scap deployment target (s)

NRPE Checks

The nrpe check type is a simple wrapper around existing Icinga/NRPE checks so that your deployments can utilize monitoring infrastructure that is already in place with minimal effort.

By default, the check commands are loaded and registered from definitions in /etc/nagios/nrpe.d. You must reference these checks in your checks.yaml in order to tell scap which checks are relevant to the service you are deploying.

The directory /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/ should contain config files (generated by puppet) which specify the specific commands needed to run various nagios check plugins. For example, the directory should look something like this:


├── check_cassandra.cfg
├── check_check_dhclient.cfg
├── check_check_eth.cfg
├── check_check_salt_minion.cfg
├── check_disk_space.cfg
├── check_dpkg.cfg
├── check_endpoints_restbase.cfg
├── check_puppet_checkpuppetrun.cfg
├── check_raid.cfg
└── check_root_disk_space.cfg

NRPE checks can be referenced in checks.yaml using type: nrpe and command: {check_name}. The value of {check_name} must match the name of a file in /etc/nagios/nrpe.d, but omitting the file extension.

Example checks.yml:

    type: nrpe
    command: check_service_endpoints
    after: promote
    timeout: 60 # default is 30 seconds

Script Checks

The script check type allows users to run scripts before or after any check stages of a deployment. This was in the past achieved through use of the command check; however, this provides an easier means by which to execute scripts that may change between revisions of a repository.

Script checks will only run executable files in the scap/scripts directory.

Script checks can be referenced in checks.yaml using type: script and command: [basename_of_executable_file]. The value of [basename_of_executable_file] will be executed by the ssh_user.

In the example below, scap expects that in the repo being deployed there exists a scap/scripts/ file that is executable by the ssh_user.

Example checks.yml:

    type: script
    after: promote

Command Checks

The command check type allows users to define shell commands to run before or after each stage of deployment.

Command checks can be referenced in checks.yaml using type: command and command: {shell_command}. The value of {shell_command} will be executed by the ssh_user before or after the stage specified by stage:.

Example checks.yml:

    type: command
    after: promote
    command: curl -Ss localhost:1134

Check stages

  1. handle_service - a service is restarted, reloaded or disabled (restarted by default)

  2. config_deploy - templated configuration files are rendered

  3. config_diff - compare each file to the deployed version, called during scap deploy --dry-run.

  4. fetch - target repository has been checked-out

  5. finalize - final deployment cleanup

  6. promote - make the new deployment active

  7. rollback - target is rolled back to the last deployed revision

Not all of these stages are run for every deployment. The basic stages that you might want to write checks for are fetch and promote.

The checks may be executed at any stage of the deployment, either before running the stage or after it. The execution time is specified in the checks.yaml configuration file using the before or after option followed by one of the stage names above.

Checks with before are executed before the stage starts (for example before: promote). A failure of those checks will prevent the associated stage from running.

Checks with after (or the deprecated stage) are run after the stage runs. A failure of those checks will cause the stage to be failling.